Looks like you're having a cracker already! Slightly worried about the location of New York on your map though, think the only Chrysler Building the residents of New York, Florida know is their local dealership... :) x
Hey Girlies, you look like your having fun already. The Autumnleaves are beautiful. Jem...i have a confession. I have lost the cd you made me...i had a car accident on tuesday and wrote my car off. My parents got everything out except the lovely cd you made me that was in the cd player, playing at the moment i crashed! Thanks though I enjoyed it while it lasted and its ok...don't panic i'm alright. It was a head on collision on the Cowgrove road on the way to work it was a wet afternoon. Just shaken up and got whip lash but all ok other than that. And guess what awesome hire car i have? A VW 2 litre GT Silver its waay to powerful to drive!!
Speak soon
Lots of Love Coley x X x
Leanne Your Scottish Wedding Friend
Hello there, i've just had a wee parusal of your pics - I'm VERY jealous at home working in the office....keep having fun!! x x x
Laura 'the Bazz' Jordan
Just checked out the photo's, you look like you are having a rather lovely time. Is it bad though that i spent longer than the normal amount of time looking at our gig photo's? Reminising, the old times, back in the day, yonder year, when we were young...... aaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Anyway you look happy, especiallly with that pontin cheese thing. Well carry on posting, it makes us all feel as we're part of your and tara's trip. In fact i don't need to come over at all
love to you both xxxx
Nigel And Tamar
What lyrics? Stereophonics, I Dream of Money...
Looks like you're having a great time ALREADY!!! Looking forward to seeing your adventures...
What Lyrics?
every... day...
I've just been watching this great band on You Tube - you might have heard of them?!...300 cubits rock!! Hope you girls are having a great time.xxxx
Lucy The Gibblet
OK you've made your point...we know you are strong, independant, capable women..come home..COME HOME..PLEASE COME HOMMMEMEEEE.
Lucy the week, dependant, uncapable woman xxx
Ror And Nem
A messag from wee bonny Sudan sent to wee bonny N. America and Canada.....have a good trip girls! Skpe asap