I can't believe that we would
Lie in our graves
Wondering if we had
Spent our living days well
I can't believe that we would
Lie in our graves
Dreaming of things that we
Might have been
Would you not like to be
I can't believe that you
Would not like to be
Would you not like to be
Ok, ok, ok
Ladles & jelly spoons....
you simpsons fans know that one! the lyrics above are from a dave song that I have been listening to ALOT lately and seem to sum up my trip in a way. I am currently out and about enjoying my last day of holiday as I leave at 6 am tomorrow for milan, then chicago, then indy. It has been one amazing trip and the last few days have been a nice way to end the trip. Brussels was a nice and quiet change from Paris and the concert was quite entertaining. Quite diofferent when you see a performance in front of 1200 people instead of 20,000.
Barcelona has been incredible. The weather is 65 and sun and the people here are quite warm and friendly. It is much more tourist friendly than Madrid and much more here to see and do. I have met a couple of wonderful people here...and for those of you out there who care, I have NEVER seen a more beautiful collection of men in my entire life!!!! absolutely amazing.
i have ben seeing the sites (i know what you are thinking)..the tourist sites and doing lots of walking during the last few days. It is hard to believe that I have been gone for 2 months. For those who know me well, this would have have been unheard of 2 years..hell even one year ago. Life just keeps getting better with age, experience, good friends, wisdom, and so on.
I have learned a great deal about many things on this trip. I certainly miss my friends and family back home and cannot wait to share my experiences with all of you. I truly miss the people of cambodia and will plan a trip to get back there as soon as possible. I have much work to do when i get home (anyone need theior house painted???). if this kind of experience is a reward for work, then I intend to work my ass off so that I may experience this type of personal growth again.
I have much to say but will not write it all here. Thanks to my friends and family for supporting this trip on my road to find out. I foudn out alot of "stuff." The happiness of the people of Fiji will always stay with me as will the hope in everyone´s eyes in cambodia. Just when you think you have seen so much of the world you quickly realize how much more is left to see.
The trip/experience has changed my life in so may ways. I hope that the journal entries have helped you to share in this experience with me. I appreciate all who have made entries to my message board, sent an email, or answered a phone call. It means a great deal to me. anyone sobbing yet?? maybe i should nook myself on an Oprah episode soon??
Well.......enough said. I shall catch up with as many of you as possible when I return. I am already smelling my breakfast on thursday morning at the village deli!
talk to you soon.
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