Jeff Dogg On Tour
I have just returned from 6 days in paradise..a little island off the coast of Bali with very little tourist developments,perfect sunsets and most importantly PERFECT WAVES!
I havent really got much to write about the last 6days really because everyday was fairly similar.Wake up at 6am surf till 10,have breakfast,sunbathe,surf till lucnh,sleep or sunbath and then surf till sundown!I really enjoyed Nusa,it was a breath of fresh air from the busy Kuta area..also there was alot less chance of a terrorist attack!!
But also it was a eye opener to how people still live,the locals live the most simple lives.They farm sea-weed,keep chickens,fish and surf everyday(sometimes very embarrasing when a 6year old surf pass you knocking you off your board!).
Everyday was ended with a few beers with other surfers,watching the sunset and eating freshly caught Crayfish or other sealife!
Today i arrived back in Kuta and i bumped into Team Sweeden which was so cool,we are all going out tonight for a big party!!!
Oh yer guys your never guess who else is on the return early....THE MOTHER f***ING BOOTH DOGG!!
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