lovepinkx44@NHisDANGEROUS93 About 85 percent of the U.S. poiaultpon between ages 12 and 25 develops some form acne. It's a fact. And there is no scientific evidence that a bad diet can cause acne. Also, there are teenagers who inherit acne from there parents. Its not like teenagers choose to have acne. I'm in high school and over half of the kids in the school have ance on their face. My point is that teenagers do have skin issues such as acne and girls look for full coverage foundations to cover it up.
Neis lovepinkx44@NHisDANGEROUS93 About 85 percent of the U.S. poiaultpon between ages 12 and 25 develops some form acne. It's a fact. And there is no scientific evidence that a bad diet can cause acne. Also, there are teenagers who inherit acne from there parents. Its not like teenagers choose to have acne. I'm in high school and over half of the kids in the school have ance on their face. My point is that teenagers do have skin issues such as acne and girls look for full coverage foundations to cover it up.