Sounds wonderful! Looking forward to hearing your stories when you return.
Janet and I just returned from singing tour to Bruges. Loved it!
See you soon. Safe journey.
Love S&J xx
Phill & Joan.
Hi Pete & Jane. Just been viewing your photo's. America, without doubt, is a wonderful place. Continue to enjoy your adventure. Thinking of you. Regards: Phill & Joan.
Just be thankful they're speaking French to you and not Joual or Quebecois which are utterly incomprehensible. Longer message coming to your email this afternoon!
Phill & Joan.
Hi Peter & Jane. Nice to see that you're getting good weather. It's actually a nice day here today.
See you in what I imagine will be a very colourful Vermont.
Regards: Phill & Joan.
Phill & Joan.
Hi Peter & Jane. The Canadian outdoors looks very impressive. Its reputation is well deserved. Interesting to read a few comments about how French some of the cities seem. I'll be asking questions on your return! You're obviously walking miles and getting plenty of good quality fresh air. Oh to be there with you, but alas, it's off to work we go! Keep the reports and photos coming.
Regards: Phill & Joan.
Helen B
Hi Peter and Jane, It all looks amazing, and makes me want to retire! Have fun Love Helenxx
The recent photos look very English-must be the greenery and the rain! hope the sun comes out for you. Only 2 weeks to half term and sicily
Wendy and Dave X
Dear Pete and Jane,
Great to sense your enthusiasm and obvious enjoyment of your trip. Sounds fantastic!
Helen W
Got your message on facebook thanks, but not had chance to reply. I'm keeping an eye on your blog every couple of days - can't keep up with you. Life is going to seem pretty mundane when you get back!Photos and blog are great - what an experience! I've got relatives in Canada - think I should start saving my pennies for a visit.
Life goes on here as normal - work as hectic as ever - roll on half term!
Helen x
The colours of the Algonquin are fantastic...Andre and I spent time their 28 years ago, on our honeymoon, canoeing and camping...and we did experience bears!! Have u heard the Loons yet? Photos are fabulous and even better viewed as a slide -show. x
Phill & Joan
Hi Peter & Jane. Just been catching up with your messages. We've been away ourselves. Will contact you later this week. It all sounds wonderful. keep them coming. Regards: Phill & Joan.