Hello to all we are both feeling better after the jet lag of losing 15 hours!!! Bit much glad we dont have too many more like that
Saz - dont work too hard it is over rated! And glad you are enjoying the photos at least I am not putting them up there for nothing
The P´s - great to hear from you. Ah seems long ago we were in North Lakes - thats where I found my dream home! Can´t believe Cath was thee and we stayed there for 5 days!! Small world. Ahh yes I thought you might like the ACT thing tha is all I can choose on this website for Aussie - obviously they have never been!! Yeap those pirahnas will be after me with all the meat - we are in Brazil now! We are back on Sept 18th and then we have Helen Mc´s wedding on the following weekend. I will email you the itineray in one minute. We meet up with Neen´s mum on Monday in Buenos Aires and then we do Peru and then we head for North America where we meet up with my Sister and her family. Then Heather, Jodie and my Mum and Dad might be coming over to New York!! It´s all go!
Looking forward to seeing how the Prunty´s kids have grown. Lots of love from us
Neen and Jacqui XXXXX
The Ps
Hey Eug and jac, You looked at houses in North Lakes?? How bizarre. My sister Cath would have been living there when you looked! And our home in oz is about 10 mins from there. Hmmm. What's this Aust Cap Territory thing?? I thought you'd spent the whole time in Canberra. Haven't been on in ages, so have loads of pics to look at but it is great to see what you guys are up to. Johnny says he's not sure if you're going to Brazil but there have been warnings about pirahnas, though eug should be ok cause they only fancy things with a bit of meat. ;-0 Was it sept you guys were due back? Unreal how quickly time goes by. Is your itenary on here somewhere? What roughly are your travels to come? Hope you're having a ball. Loads of love, kel, johnny, niamh and cian
Hey JC - Just had a qwuick look at some photos and your blog. Looks like you are having a fantastic time. NZ looks amazing. I will come back and have a better look when im not bogged down at work. Loads of love and hugs
Aunty Jacqui
Hey Michael John
Thank you for the message. Glad you like our video's :) Can't wait to see you ride your bike you are such a big boy. Does Mama like her new laptop bag? Is it nice? Sleepovers with Oli that was great - you will have to have a sleep over with us when we get back.
We miss you lots
Aunty Jacqui and neen
Michael John Stringer
Hello Aunty Jacqui and Neen,
Thank-you for the videos, please send more with worms on. I have learned to ride my bike, you can see me do it when you get back. Miss Keely (my new teacher) came to my house and Mrs Bull (teaching assistant). Mama has been to Dublin with her new laptop bag and nana and pops stayed at my house. Our door has been painted black. I had a sleepover at Oliver's house. He woke up in the middle of the night. I miss you lots.
Love Michael (with abit of help from Mama)
Helen Hawkins
Love your blog.......will keep checking in on you two...Pat and I got back to Canada 2 weeks ago. The China in Depth tour was really great, saw so much and crossed a few things off my life list!!! Best of all we had a "foddie" for our tour guide Owne was as knowledgeable or better than our little Gozote...and we ate well but best of all...beer seemed to only come in quarts and for only 70 cent to about 1.25 Canadian...really tough!
Your notes are bringing back memories, guess I better get some pictures to you both before you forget who the Canadians were!!! Keep enjoying! and Pat and did the ferry and Picton and train trip and the weather was cold, rainy for us as well!. Lots of Love from Toronto
Hey All
Sinead - Myshall hey Its all going on in Myshall - party central.
DJ - Not as brown no we haven't had too much time for sunning ourselves. Its amazing the tan fades after 2 weeks of no sun. We will be back to lilly white soon with New Zealand and parts of South America. We will get on the sunbeds when we get back so we look brown for everyone. In Picton on the South Island now stunning ferry to get here and then we are off on the coastal railway to Christchurch.
Its very cold here so the thermal tops and long johns will get used!
Lots of love to all
Jacqui and Neen
Fantastic photos of oz; getting to be quite the artistes!
Great to see you both, not as brown as I thought you would be by now or maybe the camera doesn't do you justice.
And yes all those glorious photos makes you long for walks by the beach.
Sinead F
We thought of you two last night, we drove through Myshall for the first time ever, at about 11.30pm...great roads!
Great to have all the updates, photos are stunning and so the ring!
Finding it difficult to settle after viewing them, I just want to be by the sea, paddling and dreaming - sounds perfect.
Thanks for sharing your journey.
Hey All
Thanks for the comments DJ. There are now some photo's of Asia on the site. Its taken ages!!!!!
Hey Em's & james - don't worry missus its a new world for us all. Keep enjoying the photo's and the info
Love to you all
Jacqui & Neen
M & Jimbob
Just sussed this - sorry up to usual standards!!
Photos are fab - you must think I'm completely mad every time I've said I can't wait to see them!!
It's great to know whereabouts you are - I keep checking on James map - but this is even better.
You should have seen him when I told him your news - he's really excited and xcan't wait.
Sorry DJ I'm not re-reading this either - you are naughty anyway - I've read everyone's earlier messages. I still can't believe I hadn't worked this out before!!
Anyway best go - I am at home today - not at work by the way, DJ before you report me too!!