DOES anyone help you? i mean it's like so so......... um can't really example it! like help you with your blogs?:):)
sorry mean blogs
Dear Noah, loving your blogs! I think i am going to start writing some myself you make your logs sound fun and really interesting! Maybe America helps?look forward to catching up with you and Eli i will be sure to annoy Nathanuel for you :)
Thanks for everyone for reading my blogs. I hope your not bored yet! They are a bit all over the place as i have to have internet access to send it and that isn't always possible. some of the photos are doubled up cause we have two different cameras! sorry.
Fantastic Photo's
Loving the blogs Noah. Have fun! Love The Collins Family xxx.
I love reading your blogs Noah, your very funny. I hope your having a great time. Love Ninny
Reece Navsaria
Have you been universal studios
Sam Sahai
Hi ya
We were all thinking about you guys this morning as we were off to school, wondering what adventures lie ahead for you all.
Keep us posted
Take care
Sam, Amber & Layla