Ho Chi minh City ,
We arrived quite late to Ho Chi Minh City, so we grabbed taxi to hotel and after check in we went sleep. Next day we wanted to explore the city, actually Lucy went to dentist first as one of her filling fell out. One filling 300000 dong, which was about $15, so it wasn't too bad plus we should be able to claim it on our insurance. Then we went to see the Ben Tanh Market, which is crazy place and if you are annoyed by someone offering you stuff every 5 min on street do not even go inside as instead of every 5min they will offer every 30sec literally. We quickly ran through. Then we walked through the city seeing the Notre Dame Cathedral , Reunification Palace and few other places of interest. On the way back we booked a trip to Cu Chi Tunnels, which is probably the most interesting place. It's about hour and half from the city but it's worth the $5 per person. You can go and check out how the Vietnamese fought the Americans, it was pretty amazing as the original tunnels were only 60cm by 80 and they could stay there only for 8 hours or so. The tunnels themselves were quite unique in design, they really thought it through, but I still wonder why it was so hard to to fought them as there must have been some easy way how the deal with someone located in the tunnels, well maybe not. Vietnamese build around 250km of these tunnels. We had the chance to go about 100m inside these tunnels and it was no easy job and they actually widen them for western visitors ( not just for me ;-) , but we didn't know what was about to happened in the evening. Ok we took a taxi to the airport, it cost us $9 which I'm fairly certain was to much, but that was the deal. Btw as we learned do not try to negotiate the price of taxi just grab one of the big company ones and 95% they will be cheaper then the great deal you'd think you have made with the other. So now we are at the airport waiting in the check in queue, everything ready, so we thought, as soon as we got to the counter the lady asked us for outgoing ticket from Thailand, which of course we didn't have, so we had to go buy one. After 20min debating which date to fly from Thailand and telling the guy who was buying the ticket for us that we want to stay 15 days, so he counted 15 days and we bought ticket Phuket to Kuala Lumpur on the 8 of April. After that we have checked in and enjoyed the sundown during the flight.
Pricestovali sme dost neskoro do Ho Chi Min City, takze sme zobrali taxik rovno na hotel a isli sme spat hned ako sme sa ubytovali. Na druhy densme isli na prechadzu po meste, vlastne najprv sme sli do zubara lebo Lucke vypadla blomba. Zubar nevysiel moc draho, neakych 15 dolarov a mozme si to dat preplatit od poistovne. Najprv sme sli pozriet na Ben Tanh trh, co je sialene miesto, kazdy sa snazi nieco predat na ulici az to je otravne a prijst rovno na trh kde na teba kricia z kazdej strany bolo pre nas neznesitelne takze sme len prebehli cez. Potom sme sa vybrali pozriet Notre Dame Katedralu, Reunification Place a par dalsich miest. Cestou domov sme si zarezervovali vylet do Cu Chi tunelov co je pravdepodobne najzaujmavejsie miesto. Je to asi hodinu a pol autobusom od mesta a stoji to 5 dolarov. Mozte si pozriet ako vietnamci bojovali s americanmi a schovalali sa v tuneloch v lese. Bolo to celkom zaujimave pretoze tunely mali rozmer 50x80 cm a mohliu v nich ostat asi okolo 8 hodin. Tunely mali unikatny disajn, boli dobre premyslene, boli asi 250 km dlhe. Mali sme moznost prejst 100 m v tuneloch a nebolo to moc lahke v takom teple a to ich vraj museli trochu rozsirit pre zapadnych turistov (nielen pre mna ;))
Poobede sme mali let do Bangkoku. Zobrali sme taxik na letisko a tam este len zacal byt nas den zaujimavy :) Pani nam nechcela dat letenku lebo sme nemali este kupenu letenku z Thajska, takze sme si museli kupit letenku. V Thajsku sme mohli zostat 14 dni takze sme povedali panovi s Air Asia nech sa uisti ze letenka do Kuala Lumpur bude o 14 dni neskor.
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