Have left Dad watching yet another C.S.I., three in one evening was just toooooo much for me!!!! Thought I would leave you a quick message instead. Hope you're still having a fab time. Missing you loads. Off to Lucas' birthday party tomorrow, can't believe he'll be three!
Take care of yourselves. Love Mum (& Dad of course!!) xxxxxx
Geraldine And John
Hi you two,
Just been sat looking at your photos - green with envy - me, no way!!! It looks fantastic - I take it the rest of the trip is really a hunting out the various stouts available around the globe!! Take care the pair of you. Love, Geraldine
Hello lovelies!
Its the Isle of Widget festival this weekend which will be cool but not the same without sharing some festival booze with you! P's bday went well on Friday and Saturday. On Friday we had breakfast in the garden as it was lovely and hot, then went wake boading in Chi which was awesome so will definitely take you when you are back - we may have a new hobby. Then P went horse riding before a family dinner!
On saturday we went to Hampstead and had a really good turn out which was wicked before getting soaked in the rain!
Hope you two are both still ok and still having a fab time. Speak soon I hope! LOL Deaks xxxxxxxx
Anwen And Dave
Hi both!
Loving the new picture installments - you are definatley looking more relaxed!! Very jealous!! Everything good with us - we are 17 weeks preggers today and i am starting to look 'round'! Off to see sex in the city with the gals this week which i am looking forward too - coudlnt quite get dave there!! Went home this weekend which was lovely - dad and mum both really well - mum now has a baby box which she is filling up with some lovely stuff for the baby. I have even started to but stuff now ...not gone too mad just yet!!
what is your skpe name again - can you skype this week?
Love and miss you both. Danwen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ok so we're back from Rome and just had the most amazing time. Leon pulled out all the stops and I was treated like royalty..... jacuzzi bath, massive bunch of flowers and champagne and strawberries and that was just the hotel! I didn't want it to end! This week I'm working from home the 2 days that I'm actually in work so if there's any chance of Skyping I'll be about quite a bit! Sending heaps of love to you both and can't wait to hear your next news! Love you xXx
Mum & Dad
Hi, Wanderers! Hope you haven't fallen off the planet!!!
Taking no news as good news and that you are having a fab time.
Enjoy - Love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey lovely peeps,
where are the gnome photos?!
I found out I'm being posted to Sapporo City - my first choice! so for a short while, we will be Asian neighbours!
Hope travels are going well - thinking of you both xx
James is there any chance you want to collect football stickers! Don't want you feeling left out! Also when are you going to Skype next?
Anwen And Dave
London currently in heatwave - 26-28 degree's at the weekend - shame we dont have a beach!!!!
Bump doing well - 15+2 today, having a chilled weekend - hopefully enjoying this sun we have been promised!
loving the stories of your travels...keep them coming xxxxxxxxx
Mum & Dad/rita & Michael
Hello you two from sunny Cheltenham. We may even get a chance to christen our bar-b-que, at last!
Great to hear your having a lovely time.
Seafood, James? You will come back one changed guy, but come to think of it collecting beer labels seems more like the old J to me!!!
Things still the same here. Going to tackle the mamoth job or sorting the garage, especially as we need more space for Katherine's furniture end of June. Dad's been told to check on me every so often, just in case I haven't been sucked into the black hole of boxes!
Love you both and missing you both xxxxxx
Update from the Deakins: we have a new sea slug called Harold and a crab yet to be named!! No more fish as of yet but we're building up to it - will let you know when we do! Leon's gone in to regression and started collecting stickers (world cup of course - it's about to take over our lives). Apart from that all is same same! Miss you both, xXx
Hello you two
Well, I have enjoyed reading about your travels thus far. Especially the smells and the food. Good to know you are immersing yourselves in the local culture. Throw away the Impulse and go for it I say.
All is good here. We had a glimpse of warm sunshine today, for about half an hour in Brighton. Looks set to warm up for the weekend, but that could be just due to the volcanic ash cloud, which is overhead again. Gene got stuck at Gatwick this morning on his way to Leeds. Hoping he can get back tomorrow.
I have just enjoyed watching Glee with a cup of hot chocolate. Making the most of some peace and quiet. Have been on a marathon shopping spree in Argos, Matalan and Asda picking up stuff for the house. Cleaning products, a hoover and other tedious stuff, I hasten to add. Not furnishing the place. Felt like hard work to be honest and definitely not my idea of shopping heaven.
Jacob and Lucas are fine. I cut Jacob's hair last night and feel I may have been a little ambitious with the layers. Hey ho. He doesn't seem bothered. Although he had trouble getting to sleep tonight because he was scared. When I asked him what he was scared of he said "You know, like getting sick and of Lucas being stolen." Bless.
Lucas is great. Today he told me that he is getting a pet killer whale and that he is going to keep it in a cage in his bedroom. Failing that a dolphin will do, apparently.
Needless to say, life carries on without you. But we are thinking of you both often and hoping you are having a fabulous time.