So ive been sick for a bit, or well when we were off to cross the Mexican/Gutemalan border i had been up all night being sick.
I manged to get on the bus whit some help from the tour guide whom carried my backpack as i had no energy at all in my body. When we arrived at the Mexican border we went in to get out stamp that we left the country, though we then got on the bus again to drive about 2km in nomands land till we went to abselut market of hell to pass over the Gutemalan border. The border control was just one little house whit people waiting in lines in both sides of the house.
We made it though so it was all good and we had about another 4 hous in the bus to where we are now. It was a heaps nice hotel, though don't think they leard the whole shower thing here yet. They dont do pressure on the water and hot water on the same time.....!
Where were staying is around a lake where there are lots of little towns around. its really pretty and the lake is sorounded by 2 volcanos as well.
Saturday I went on a boat to 2 of the villiages around the lake, one was white magic st marco, it was really small and there wasnt much to do except for getting a massage, do Yoga or just relax in the little village whit the locals.
The black magic village, St Pedro, was a bit bigger though we were past walking around so between the 6 of us we hired to tuc tucs and the nice mayan boys drove us around for half an hour and then off to have a good luch of tomato soup for Heidi... hehe
When we got back to the town we were all picked up in a van whit our bags to head to San Jorge where we did home stay. I stayed in a little shop whit Mike and Lauren (an american coupple).
It was quite interesting to stay whit an mayan famely, there house was what i can imagine Denmark or the UK would have been like 50-60 years ago. Prober fire stow, where the mum of 11 children cooked us a lovely chicken whit some traditional salat and handmade tortilias.
One of the grandchildren of the parrens was called Heidi as well so there was Giant Heidi and baby Heidi, 20 years apart in age.
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