Today was great! We went on a tour to the Blue Mountains. They are located about an hour outside of Sydney. On our Drive out to the Mountains we went past the 2000 Olympic Stadium, then we went to an area with a beautiful waterfall, Wentworth Falls. We had a "bush walk" (hike) in the mountains. This area is older than the Grand Canyon! On our tour, we cam across some wild Kangaroos! We were so excited! It was a family, a dad, a joey, and a mom with another joey in her pouch!
We had a delicious lunch in a little pub in Leaura. After lunch, we went in a cablecar over the big valley. We went deep into the valley, at the bottom is a tropical rainforest. Some of the trees have been around since the dinosaurs! It was so beautiful! We rode a railway up the mountain, it is the world's steepest railway!
Our last stop was an Aboriginal site, that had a Kangaroo rock engraving. The tour ends with a ferry ride back to Sydney that left from the Olympic stadium. As we were leaving the stadium, it was filling up with Rugby fans because Australia was playing agains England. (We saw later that England won).
We are tired again, a lot of hiking, walking and so much to see! the weather is perfect and we are having a great time!
- comments
Mom Everything sounds wonderful and this is only the beginning. Miss you. Love, Mom
sheri i am soo glad u guys r safe and having fun...we miss u guys sooo much...take pics and enjoy ur day...
NANNY Hi The pictures just get better and better. Miss you. Love and kisses. Connor say's hi and misses you too. We miss you too! Kiss Conner! xoxo
Jenny Just got home from NYC and saw your blog. Glad you are there and having fun. Sounds like you're seeing lots of neat things. We had a great time in New York. Go Yankees! Loved the Lion King and John's Pizza too. Can't wait to read what's next....
Chillbear Latrigue "... then we went to an area with a beautiful waterfall." I'm glad to see the Outback hasn't diminished your soft edge, nancy boy. If Cheryl wrote this entry, please disregard my statement. Thank you. I did write it, but it is nice to hear from you! keep the comments coming!