Great to get the up-dates! Super photos. At ur dads "special Birthday" get-together yesterday. Lots of food and cake!
B xx
Jan Cooper
Hey Heather!
Hope you arrived safely, from the photos looks like it. Hope you are not getting caught up in the power cut. Like your bro says, eat carrots!!
Great photos so far. ENJOY!!!! Wish I was there too. Work is so busy. You are in the best place!
Love Jan :o) xxx
Ola girlies
Loving the photos...for some reason I read the Christ the Redeemer caption as 'Christ the Reindeer'... was a little confused for a second... must have Christmas on the brain already....
Miss youuuuuuuuuu guys xxxx
Big Brother
Hey there, Loving the foties. Heard there was a massive powercut out there - eat plenty carrots !!
Talk to ya soon
Nice to see some pics already. The ones of Christ the Redeemer are pretty impressive. We're off to Ruth's school musical tomorrow night - Disco Inferno - I'm being bribed with the promise of chips afterwards. To be fair dancing and chips - reminds me of Lorenzos not so many moons ago.
Enjoy the next few days... and the ones after that
H&R x
Hi girls. Love the photos. Enjoy the 4* living while it lasts. S & R
The Real Mackoy
The Real Mackoy
I've been sitting glued to the couch, watching this blog in anticipation of an update since Sunday. I will probably leave the house tomorrow.
Clare - had a chat with your sis and Graham at the whickey society the other night.
Heather - if you dry your clothes first, they will weigh less.
Hi, by now you will be in Brazil! Hope the flight went well and you are both not too jet lagged. Missing you both sooooo much already, keep checking emails for they ususal bored Monday email from you Heather then I remember you are not working anymore! You lucky thing!
Looking forward to being on the reading end of the blog this time! I'm sure I'm going to be suitably jealous of all your adventures Wish I could go again! Have a brilliant time! H xxx
Big Brother
Nice one Heather, liking the snow.. getting me in the mood for the winter!! This website is a great idea and seems to be working grand - talk to ya before the OFF!
First to leave a message!!
Miss you already, but looking forward to all the stories and updates