this is my second day in Romania and my last! but thats ok because it has been great here. yesterday i went to transylvania where i saw Bran`s castle. it is known to visitors as dracula's castle. it was so cool! but when i walked in i just felt chills! apperently dracula was actually named Vlad the Impaler. Vlad was a prince of Wallachia. he was called the impaler because if anyone did anything dishonest(theft), laziness, or trickery they were impaled. they also were hanged and staked. vlad the impaler wasnt a bad guy. he was just doing his job. but his servants hated him and made the stereotype that he was evil. apperently there is a lot of mythology in romania. like people believe in gohts and vampires. but today most people in romania dont see Vlad the impaler as a vampire but only as a prince of Wallachia which is what he really is
i also yesterday went to a really cool place called club aventura. it`s basicallylike an advanced jugle gym. but the only thing is it`s in a cave under ground! it was so much fun. it`s a little scary because you think you are going to fall but then you realize that you securly connected to a harness that is connected to a zip line at the top of the cave with all the stallagmites. you also get to climb on the walls of the cave as well.
today i was in Bucharest the capital of romania. i walked through the magnificant palace of parlement. this is where all the romanian officials talk. but i wasnt there to talk politics. i was there to see the amzing architecture.
when i got to my hotel it was freezing. because my hotel was made of ice! i stayed at the ice hotel. it was a little cold for my liking but it was only for one night. everything was made of ice. Even the beds and cups! i slept in like 5 layers! then in the morning it was byby Romania.
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