Sometimes in Vietnam, it can be difficult to get on to facebook. (faceache!)
Sometimes there's a bit of a blockage on the computers and wifi, which stops you accessing the site because there's "problems".
I've heard facebook is banned in China? I wonder if it's the same sort of thing going on here.
Anyway, this is the reason for our complete backlog of photos.
Backlog seems to be a word we're using often here.The last few weeks have been a bit poo in the technology department.
We have pics to put up from Hanoi, Halong Bay, Hue and here!
At this rate i'll be having to buy a new memory card...we already have two! I'm not sure we can rely on uploading and deleting pics off the camera anymore. What I really need is a USB stick.
So last night Luke and I were sat in a little undercover food stall... one among many food stalls, but the only one that was open, just near the river in Hoi An.
Mr. BA it was called, and the owners were lovely. We communicated by smiling and nodding at each other, and the occasional "Cam On" (which is thankyou in Vietnamese.)
We were talking about the trip and what has been our favourite parts of it.
For me the thing that has made this trip are the people we've met. Local people. People who welcome you into their country and want to get to know you. Their very curious about where you are from and we're just as curious as they are, getting to sit down at their restaurant and eat their local dishes is something that you rarely get to do elsewhere.
I think thats why Asia is my favourite. Sure, Australia is big and beautiful... but at the end of the day, you'll never see anywhere else like Asia! It's so different.
We ate fried Wonton, White Roses (shrimps in rice paper that look like a white rose) and Cau Loc (Pork and noodles).
After that we went to a bar called the "sun bar" which was cool....full of westerners but cool, had a few drinks there and moved on to "Aussie bar" which was also cool.
For about half an hour we kinda took over the music, it was like DJ L&L (lol us!) in da house. There was a laptop and you could basically choose a song on youtube and let it play.
We played a few trance tunes, and some classic 90s! haha. They loved it! Even the Vietnamese staff behind the bar had their heads bobbing.
Of course there's always some idiot who has to come along and ruin it. Some utter tool sat next to me and claimed "this song is sh***!!" when INSOMNIA BY FAITHLESS WAS PLAYING.
Oh he did not.
Oh yes he did.
I didn't really know how to respond to such blasphemy, so in return to his comment in a slightly joky way (I hope) I just said "YOU'RE Sh**!" (*cough* well I thought it was funny.)
He then looked down at my arm and said, stupidly "you have freckles."
I simple said "You have hair. On your face."
To which he laughed and turned away from me.
What a strange conversation to have at a bar in the wee hours.
(For your info - I wasn't claiming he had a hairy face, or a strand of hair on his face...I was observing, like he did at the freckles on my arm, that he had a moustache and beard! And no, there's nothing wrong with that, just an observation!) :-P
To be honest, ALL everyone seemed to want to play ALL night in these bars was Sean Paul and Flo Rida.
If I had to hear Seana Paul and Flo sodding Rida one more time I was going to scream, I'm GLAD we took over the music for a bit, even if it was short lived, to get some damn taste injected into these peoples sound buds!
We left and got hounded to get on a taxi motorbike ("No we can walk, it's okay!" "Is far!" "No its only around the corner" "No it's far" "No its fine!")
but we stuck to our guns and walked (it was only down the road, i'm not paying an overpriced taxi-bike when my feet still work! Even if I was a bit wobbly on them after mojitos and havana rum!) back to our hotel.
Opposite our hotel was a little stall selling street food... so we made a quick stop there because, you know what it's like, you get this unbearable craving for food when you've had a few ;-).
We had noodle soup which at that hour was the best thing ever, and went back to our room, crashed out and slept.
I wasn't best pleased on having to check out at 11am this morning and wait around until 6pm to get our overnight bus (yay) to Nha Trang. Not with a thumping head anyway.
We went for breakfast in a place a few doors down, eggs and bacon and a baguette. (The eggs and bacon were ..."merged" into one.But who am I to complain? ;-)) They also had fluorescent yellow looked like it belonged slapped on my face and in that bar last night! Coolest butter ever!!
So here we are, sat around waiting...we leave tonight at 6pm and arrive in Nha Trang 6am tomorrow morning... probably be there around 10am then. ;-) I love Asia and how laid back they are with
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