I will expect you to eat kidney beans, peas and sweetcorn when you returnAlex! It was lovely to read your very descriptive acount of your first week in Cambodia - am quite envious. lol mum x
Graham Kingsley
It all sounds wonderful! I'm specially impressed at your varied diet (snakes, crickets...). Have you both developed a taste for whisky or is it just that it's all there is available? Keep blogging!
Pleased to know all is well and fully understand why the delay in letting us hear of your journey - takes me back to my days in Burma!
Is it me and my computer or have you not yet had time to "blog away"
Ian Manley
Blog on! looking fowarding to reading about your adventures.
Well done in setting up this Blog site. Will look at it daily - I am sure that you will keep it up-to-date. You may not realise it now, but you will both be "different" people when you return. International travel is a wonderful experience and very much worth while. Have a wonderful time and keep posting.