Okay first thoughts on Malaysia, Kuala Lumper in Mikes words " A more smack version of Singapore" He He I hope you all get a vision of what its like now! Okay we arrived and saw a guy with his shorts all ripped and his willy hanging out eugh gross! Lots of people pulling you in to look at their very convincing copies (not) of Nike T-shirts and Oakley sunglasses. Also everyone wants to give you a massage??? We checked into our hostel called the Paradiso Hostel for 80 ringets a night which is 16 pounds. I read the reviews which were good. By the end of our stay at this hostel I think this is the best hostel we have stayed in so far for our whole trip. Its full of English, the location is great right in the Golden Triangle surrounded by restaurants, pubs and shopping malls. The owner is fabulous very helpful, always there, free breakfast, free internet, air-con in the room. Great living room area with lots of DVD's to watch and just a very sociable hostel. It also has a rooftop terrace for those dirty smoking chats! Great loved it. Okay back to Kuala Lumper it has the tallest twin towers in the world, used to be the biggest building but then they built one in Shanghai and now are building a bigger one in wait have you guessed it???? Yes Dubai. Still together as a twin they are the biggest TWIN TOWERS. Very pretty at night. You can walk from one to another accross a bridge but unfortunately Mike and I have been a bit lazy recently and have not got up in time to get a ticket. You see they only issue a 1,000 or so a day and you have to be up early to get one. Its free. You used to be able to got to the top but after 9/11 not anymore.
Just walked around the shops and ate was all we really did in KL! We went to look at the towers, we went on the monorail and thats about it! Thinking we were in KL for too long 9 days we booked a trip to Taman Negara Jungle the oldest rainforest in the world. 130 million years old and it even survived the ice age. This was great a couple of hours from KL on the coach. We had to get a long boat to the rainforest which took 2 1/2 hours! Luckily I had my book (Michael Connelly The Poet very good must read!). It was very relaxing and great to get out of the city! We checked into our hostel, there was 3 in our room Me, Mike and Imil from Sweden. We had dinner at the floating restaurant on the river and met everybody in our group. We then did a night jungle walk for about 1 hour and half, we only saw stick insects, termites, giant spiders, tiny tiny tree snakes, scorpion, moths etc. Was very hot and sticky. The next day we had breaky again on the floating restaurant where everybody met for our all inclusive meals. We then went on a long hike beginning with the longest tree top swing bridge in the world! Very very scary at first, its just a ladder running at the bottom with a plank of wood on it! By the end I was walking without shaking, no-one would ever dare swing in this bridge! You had to wait 10 meters after the person infront of you. We then went to one of the hides in the tree's so that animals cant see you but you can see them. Aparently some see deer but we didnt see anything. We were told to be careful of leeches which I was crazily checking my boots and legs every 5 minutes petrified of one clinging themself to me. The guide had one on his foot but pulled it off and he showed us one on the bench eughh! He told us to wear shorts as you can spot them easier and they get up to your neck withing seconds so keep checkigng! No-one got on on them thank jesus. We went back for lunch and out again later for the rapid shooting where we got soaked on the river. I mean full waves slapping you in the face with force! I was quite surprised at the pressure! Then we went and met the hill tribe living in the Jungle. Hill tribes move on when someone dies or every couple of years. They cannot return to the same spot until at least a couple of years have gone by. When someone dies they take them into the forest deep deep where no-one would ever go and put them in a tree top, tying a ribbon to the lower bark. They believe that evil spirits live beneath the ground and never bury them. They always leave to set up another living area after someone dies. I cant remember the name of this tribe but they are allowed by the government to live in Taman Nagara National Park when no-one else is because that is their way of life. They showed us how they made needles and placed poisones tree sap at the end so they could shoot their food in the trees. They never hunt for ground animals just ones in trees. They make all their little houses themselves and cure themselves if they get ill with natural remedies. They have a chief which we met and he showed us how to make fire. It was very strange seeing them all living in the jungle. This was close to the mainland though so they use their natural rescourses such as honey and trade with shops for things. They dont need much though and are gradually learning how to use the little money they get for things. A truly memorable moment for us!
When we returned from Taman Nagara we watched a few DVD's generally chilled out. We went to the Batu Caves, which is where the Hindu's go to pray, lots of wild monkeys on the steps as you go up! We got a few buses to get there. I alwasy think you see the true culture and city if you go on public transport! We had a few beers one night had a pizza hut for 2 pound each soup, spagetti and pizza! Very very cheap here for food! Same price for alcohol as back home if not more expensive! So now we are off to Phuket tomorrow hopefully our flight wont be cancelled and we will meet Shelly and Cairns for New Year Full Moon Party whoooooo!!!! Cant wait speak soon Hayley and Mike x x x x
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