Hi everyone hope christmas went well and you all had a good time!
So we landed in New York it was freezing luckily we had bought coats hats, gloves etc so we were well prepared. We had booked into a hostel and as double rooms were really expensive we decided to book into a dorm room as we had found one for 12 dollars per bed. The hostel was in Harlem which apparently used to be quite a rough area, we found our way there no problems and were shown to our room, there was literally five bunk beds in there no room at all so it was pretty grim. That night one of the lads snored that loud the other 9 of us had no sleep at all, then the next night was the same (I was even throwing things at him and one of the other girls was shaking him) and in the morning as I was climbing down my ladder (I was given a top bunk) the guy (a local that lived there) shouted at me because he said I had stood on his bed! Anyway we ended up going to reception to ask to change dorm rooms, this one was much better but I was the only girl in the dorm but at least they were all friendly and none of them snored!
We made our way around new york by the underground which gets you everywhere we visited Times Square, Rockerfellar Centre, Central Park, Bryant Park, Broadway its huge with loads going on and loads to see. We headed to try and find the New York Stoke City Supporters Club which was a pub called Fitzgeralds in Chelsea. Joe had been emailing the guy who set it up to say we were in New York for christmas we managed to find the pub it's a really nice Irish bar with Stoke memorablia like a picture of the Britannia Stadium, a signed Stoke shirt etc. We ended up meeting the guy who Joe had been in touch with and Joe arranged to meet him the next day to watch the match. After the match Scott invited us to a party at his apartment the next day for mulled wine and cheese! Of cause we excepted and that night we also met another guy called Tim who is from Stoke and has lived over here for over 10 years. At Scotts party we met some others from Stoke, Liverpool, Luton etc and Tim invited us to stay with him for a couple of nights as we were checking out of the hostel the next day. We also met a couple called Will & Keri (Will from Stoke and Keri from Boston) they were heading home to Stoke to spend it with Wills family and they said we could stay in their apartment whilst they were away how nice is that! We had been looking everywhere for a place to stay but everything was so expensive as it was christmas this was a major bonus! Scott and Sinhead were really nice and we had a great night there apartment has a roof top that you can see the Empire State Building etc from!
Harlem was okay and at the end of the day you get what you pay for and it was certainly an experience in the dorms! We did meet a few great people there but we were really looking forward to moving out!
We stayed with Tim and his flat mate Justin for the next couple of nights had a laugh went to the Irish pub then we moved into the apartment, we could not believe our luck it was a really nice apartment and right next to the pub! Anyway we have become locals in there pretty much we dont even have to tell them what drink we want anymore they just know! It snowed really bad one night it look beautiful in the morning. Christmas day we were supposed to be working with one of the lads from the hostel feeding the homeless but he said last minute that we could not go as they had too many people volunteering so we went to Brooklyn for christmas dinner with Tim to a couples house one from Liverpool and the other American, his father was also over he comes over every christmas we had a lovely day they were really kind to invite us and they really looked after us plus the food was gorgeous!
This should make some people chuckle Joe ended up going to work with one of the guys the other day on a job he was working in a school, Scott sets up cameras, security systems etc and Joe was in the roof pulling loads of wires wish he had taken a camera with him!
Anyway we have had a really wonderful time and met some great people whilst here. Will and Keri arrive home tonight then tomorrow we check into our 4 person dorm and then go and meet Niall and Sarah which we are really excited about. Going to go iceskating, Statue of Liberty and some other great places that we have found!
So... next time I write it will be 2010 and nearly time for us to come home! Have a great new years eve everyone! Lots of love Gem & Joe xxx
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