In a range of different ventures converged in Bogotá, Colombia
Our group held this time our annual meeting of the Junior Clergy 11-16 November 2002 in Bogotá, Colombia.The two provincial superiors - Frs Pat Murphy and Sergio Dall'Agnese were present in the said meeting.This year's theme focused on human trafficking and violence in Colombia with its urgent imperatives of national interest and ecclesial ministry.
Clearly the litany of sadness recently unveiled by the media networks was highlighted by the speakers who called it as an "appalling reality on the dignity of men, women and children in Colombia."Poverty flourishes in various forms and places where families remain the victims of injustice and exploitation.
Given the depth of the problem, the country has taken a sharp turn with the church's collaborative ministry against these ugly scenarios of violence and exploitation.Some potential symbols of having a common vision, one heart of love, one voice of support, a single determination to serve have paved the way to embrace the conditions of the poor and those afflicted with injustice.
The clash of this country's ideals on human rights sees that God is at work poses two questions:What kind of Christ do I want to follow?And what kind of church do I believe in?The constant references to past events in the bible make one's ministry as an expression of God's continuing call and presence in the life of his people.Comparatively, Shakespeare's play, The Tempest depicts the ships and the sea, the travelers and the voyages, the good things and bad, the selfishness and heroism which are relevant to our own experiences.
As pilgrims on a journey with a purpose, we are called to live and promote the kingdom of God through collaborative ministry with a model of church we have that is evangelizing and missionary, incarnate in the reality of our people, a promoter and an example of justice.
The most complete and moving statements about the church - the people of God we love are the words of Gregory the Great:"Since daybreak or dawn is changed gradually from darkness into light, the church . . . is fittingly called daybreak or dawn.The dawn hints that the night is over.It does not yet proclaim the full light of day.While dawn dispels darkness and welcomes the light, it holds both of them, the one mixed with the other . . . Are not all of us who follow the truth in this life daybreak and dawn?
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