Well it was almost a tearful parting but the van had been given back! We've made Auckland but are already looking through the exchange and mart website to see how much Toyota Hiace's are going to be. We loved the freedom that the van gave us and, after a sleepness night in Auckland due to a drunk group coming in at 3am, loved the space that it gave us.
New Zealand has been the highlight of the trip so far. For sheer natural beauty it is heads and shoulders above anywhere we've been previously. If we ever had to move out here we'd prefer the South Island but the North Island still has alot to offer. Rotorua was alot of fun while the Corromandal Peninsular rivals the South Island's natural beauty.
Photos all got put up in one go due to lack of internet, hope you all enjoy those.
If we were going on an 8 week holiday from home it would be a big deal and seem like an age but at the back end of this trip 8 weeks is seeming like next to nothing and we've already become quite retrospective; fave place, most livable place, best food etc... It's about then we realise we've got Fiji and the USA to come and the trip is along way from over yet.
The Kiwi accent is very different to the Aussie drone. Steph had met some Kiwis before but I definately just assumed it was the same as an aussie accent. It falls about halfway between a South African accent and Australian and if you'd all like ot give it a go we've discovered a quick tip for an instant Kiwi accent. All you have to do is speak in your best australian accent but replace every 'e' with an 'i'. (If you don't do the aussie to start with you get South African!)
Well best go get a night's sleep for flight tomorrow. Had considered getting up early for the England game but after the Cricket fiasco last night I sharnt bother!
Lots of Love
Grig and Stiph
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