Sounds, and looks so much fun. Keep safe, have a good time, and hopefully we'll see you soon
Hello you two. You've done so much already! Fantastic. We have your map up with pin in it...The weather here is rubbish, cold and wet. Made me laugh with Graham getting showered with white paint..The Everest flight sounded absolutely amazing. Glad to hear you sound so relaxed and happy. Missing work?! How many phone calls have you had Graham?!! This week I've found blog and msg board...doing well. Take care treasures. Love momsXXX
Sarah D
Hi guys, Wow, sounds like you are having a really amazing time already - and you've only been gone for 3 days!! Love the sound of the Everest flight - that must have been an incredible sight! Really enjoying your blog - looking forward to reading more.....
Lots of love, Sarah xx
Karen Jeeves
Hey you, just checking and very glad to see you have arrived without incident so far!!!!!!!!
Have fun, keep safe!
Love Karen & Steve xx
Heather Soutar
Hi there
Glad to hear you've arrived safe and well. Not such a quick turn around this time. Gordon's not here at present but I'll show him your blog tomorrow.
Looking forward to more updates and we'll send news as and when.
Love Heather
Maggie Andrews
So glad to hear that you have arrived safely and that you are relaxing. We have some good photos of you from Saturday I will email you a copy of some of them. You made Dave very envious when he spoke to you about your trip making him think about where he wants to go away next year!! Hope you enjoyed your bubbles on Sunday! Will be checking in on this site regularly and look forward to seeingpiccys of all the places you go. Take Care. Luv Maggie x
Chris Piggott
Hi Guys
glad you got there!! hopr flight did everything that it should have.
Mom V brave and our journey back without incident - oh other than the cyclist that tried (and failed) to bounce of of 3 tons of finest american steelwork on a roundabout, but hadn't taken account of my lighting reactions.
Look forward to the trip developing and hearing about it all.