Just sat at work in my office, and thought I would catch up on some of your blogs. Sounds like you are having an amazing time out there still. I wish we still were...
Hope you enjoy Cambodia! Thanks for ruining my day,
Hey guys, tried to put all my south island pics up but for some reason they wont upload from facebook, so there are lots more to come!
Hi Pam your BLOGS great you are amazeing diving out of airplanes at 15000 feet wow !! what next ?
Hey guys, its been a while btu I've updated my blig up until Fraser island! Ill try and get to Echuca by tomorrow! Hope everyone is ok! Not long left in Australia now, but its been a blast! Lookig forward to travelling again, I miss it already!
xxx pam
All the best and all my love for a happy 2009 Pam. Take care and stay well TRAVELER XXXXX
firstly...stu you're such a comedian!
secondly...I still can't put all my photos up as all the computers are rubish so I still need to put the rest from Oz up and all the Thailand photos! I have updated the blog till the end of my first week and will fill you all in on the great ocean road trip, adelaide (where i am at the mo) and ayres rock and alice springs when I get to Melbourne again!
xxxx Pam
John Jackson
if u get a chance to visit cooper peddy onthe way to the red centre it is areally a funny place where people go and try to make a fortune digging 4 opals a lot of the hotels in area are underground .all the best 4 now gday to you all
Hey Pam, thought I should finally post a message on here and use the opportunity to give you an update of my travelling experiences recenlty.
I woke up early yesterday to a freezing drizzly London town and headed straight out the door. I walked to the nearest tube station and did the Northern Route (Line) all the way to London Bridge, saw a lot of people on the way but no one said a word. I got back to the surface to find it still raining but even colder, brilliant! I walked along the Thames and could just make out St Pauls through the dull grey mist. I then caught the lift to the 6th floor and worked for 8 hours. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Not quite the same as your blog I know (we can't all be good writers... keep practicing) but it was a great action packed day.
Hope your having a good trip in the Camper van, speak to you soon. Take care XXX
Hello again! My oz number is 0416806650!
thisnk you might have to put 0061 in front of it and take of the 0 but not too sure!
I am having the best time in Oz, had surfing lessons, been to thr blue mountiains, been out on the town on a party bus, done a coastal walk and met some really amazing ppl! NOt on my own any longer travelling with 4 other ppl! Getting a camper van on monday and driving down to melbourne which is one ofthe nicest drives in the world I am told! Then heading back up here for xmas before going to Brisbane to explore the red centre on a trip and to make my way to fraser island and whit sunday etc, getting a job too for a while then heading upto Cairns!
Hope everyone is ok, I am fine, just sorry I can;t be there next Friday! Thinking of you all love u lots xxxx Pam
John Jackson
Gday pam very pleased u r enjoying Aussie. when i go ilove every minute its hard to describe you will know exacly what i mean Have a crownie 4 me stay safe and enjoy.you must get a ferry boat to WATSONS HARBOUR and have fish and chips at DOYLES australlias most famous chippy. it will cost u 45dollors but worth it anyhow no worries mate enjoy
uncle jj
Hey everyone!
I have updated the blog up until thailand and will try my best to get upto date asap. Having a really good time in Sydney but not sure what my plans are for the rest of my time at the moment! The photos from thailand won't upload properly, hence them being two of each photo! I will upload them when I get chance! Hope everyone is ok! Miss u all xxx Pam
Hi Pam just caught up on your pics, they are realy good. Soon be in aussie ? take care lovely xxx