Amanda's Adventures
Hello there everyone.
At the moment I am in Sunny Cairns. Its about 27 degrees, which is a better temperature for me. I am searching for a job and generally finding my feet (Visa/ health cover etc).
I have just said goodbye to my lovely friend Nabila, who came all this way to see me. We had a great time together, but i think she left a little bit fed up with the climate here as it rained most of the time. We travelled together up from Brisbane hitting all the tourist spots- Frazer island the Whitsundays etc. It was all a bit mad as we only had two weeks to make it from Brisbane to Cairn. there's soooo much to see on this strip of Queensland, so to sum up....
We camped on Frazer island (the biggest Sand Island in the world) saw a dingo, but only one unfortunately.
We sailed around the Whitsunday islands on a classic sailing ship called the Dream catcher. it was a nice trip apart from the looney crew and bed bugs!!!! Generally we had fun though, met some nice people and the weather was so so.
Then we headed to the town of 1770 where we hired scooters and went off in search of Kangaroos. This was really good fun!
Since I got to Cairns I have been finding my way around and have come to like the place alot. Which is why I am looking to try and stay here for a while.
Will update you when I have some luck....
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