Amanda's Adventures
Just had my last message wiped- so this will be a quicker one.
I have been two weeks now in this beautiful Country and I am very excited to be here, we have visited Goa, Mumbai, Jodpur, Udaipur, Jaisalmer and the Thar desert. Each place has been interesting and unique.
Last night we trekked into the Thar desert on camels and then spent the evening sleeping under the stars (the brave ones did). It was a very peaceful experience to be out there all alone miles from anyone. It was very quiet- except for the snorers! it will be difficult to top that experience, but I have a feeling we will.
I awoke this morning to watch the sun rise from the top of a sand dune. Went to get dressed and just as I was putting my trousers on a scorpian crawled out. I nearly jumped out of my skin! It was abgout one inch away from my hand so I was quite lucky not to be stung.
We are on the outskirts of the desert in a place called Jaisalmer. Everyone is really nice and friendly. The streets are covered with sand and its hot (suprising for the desert). The places we are staying are nice big old colonial style buildings and there is alot of respect here when you say you are from England- which is lovely.
They didn't do well for tourists last year so we are treated especially well. That is their main source of income. The food is nice, but a bit spicy for me and our group is great fun. Two of the girls come from Sydney, so we are going to meet up when i get out there to Oz.
Have been declared the unluckiest member of the group, as in just two weeks I have been ill, had my card swallowed in the cash machine, nearly been stung by a scorpion, and now I have amebic dysentry ( sorry about the spelling). I'm on antibiotics now though so its all good and I'm having a wonderful time.
Take care and speak soon. Mand xxx
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