Back in Melbourne now and its raining cats and dogs. I was really sad to leave New Zealand, as I had an amazing time there, met some lovely people (many of whom were actually over from Oz) and saw some breathtaking sights. I hope you've managed to check out my photo gallery, as I've uploaded tonnes of photo's from borneo to New Zealand and Oz. So if you haven't yet had a look be sure to check it out. I am back in Melbourne...what to do? Do I go to Sydney or Adeleide???? I've got a few decisions to make over the next few days. It doesn't help that I am staying in the hostel from hell , or that I stupidly paid for the room up front- Dohhhh!) So I will have to stick with it and look for jobs. I think that I will head towards the jobs rather than the city as my cash flow is getting a bit stretched to say the least. I fly from Perth aswell so that is something to consider.
Apart from that I don't really have much news. I heard from my Mum, Dad and Brother last night so I know that they are home safely. They had an interesting time in Singapore and I think they are all knackered as they're not used to the long flights. The airline left all their luggage in London instead of sending it to Manchester so they are awaiting their cases. Andy is in Northern Thailand and everytime I speak to him I get a bit green. I wish I was there with him. Still I think he's having a fab time.
Take care Mand x
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