hay guyz u rock and roll on! your pic's are great and so are u 2!
Carly & Sully
Hey Gina, hows things? Wheres my email you b****?!! Sully says hi you scopie! When you coming home? I miss you now, hurry up and bring me sum big presents!!! Jewellery would be good for me and tight flowery trunks for andrew!!!hee hee. No seriously, we want presents! NOW! x
Shaun Prawn
Hey guys,
sounds like your having a great time still i wish i was still there cant wait to get away again.
dont forget to email.
much love prawn x
Gail And Nan
Hi Gina and Jamie,Hope you are both well and enjoying yourselves.Nan has been with me allday and sends you lots of love and so do Martin and me.All is well here had a visit from Carly and we saw Alex a little while ago,he is fine tho missing you but it was lovely to see him,hope to see more of him,that means we are all in touch now,and Nan is getting to be a whizz on our computer so keep the news and photo's coming cos we love to look at them and know you are both well.With all our love from Nan,Sam,Martin and Gail,and George of coursexxxxx
hi gina im at carlys for a long weekend have not seen her for a long time we both went to see the island at the cinema which was very good as the weather at the moment is stormy and rainy in between the sunshine i have not heard from you for a long time and i will ring you soon i have also been looking at all of the photographs that is in your website and i dont think you will settle for a ordinary life after doing all that. hope to hear from you soon i love you mum xxxxxxxxxxx
Your Little Bro
hi gina its me. im staying at dads for the week. so right me back and i will get it. seen all the pics looks like your avin lots of fun while im stuck in sunny britain. thanks for that t-shirt its the bomb diggy. are you ever cuming bac? wouldnt blame you if ya didnt. misss you loads alex x
Hey happy campers, Love the pictures especially the one of the moray eel reminds me of a typical crediton girl, hehehe. Hope u guys are having lots of fun, sorry for not emailing more often, ill try extra special from now on to post some messages. Hope u washed the teddy bear after putting it near Jamies nuts. Me and Carly getting married on the 17th of june next year. Hopefully might cu then, meanwhile take it easy and ill speak to you soon.
Carly & Skullys
Hey Gina & j, hows things? saw the photos u sent me, they were so awsome, wish i was there with u. im hating work at the moment so im really missin u heaps. how jealous i am of you swimming with the horses! call me soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
great pictures..but whats up with the teddy bear? a bday present? its like waldo..its in every freakin' picture....you two look like you are havin good times...wish we were all crammed in a little hotel room in bangkok with 12 mattresses (i realize i have no idea how to spell that word) on the floor....except it sucked when you slipped down the stairs...cause their elevator sucked...ok, now i really am off track...great pictures!! miss you guys!!
Carly & Skullys
Hey you guys, hows things going? just been on to your web site which is wicked, im well impressed. Its so cool that i can see alll your photos of where you have both been. Went to see Aunty Gale and Uncle Martin the other day, and they go on here all the time, so keep it updated for the Bryant Gang!!! ha ha. Hope all is well. love you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxx big sis! x
Hello Genna and Jamie.
nice to see the photos, and to find out what you're up to. I've decided I might be changing my diet - if you two look this good on a diet of cheesy chups, it's gotta be worth a try.
Apologies for not speaking to Jamie when he called my Mum's on Sunday. I did want to talk, but didn't want Mum to pay for the call, so I intended calling when I got home. Have since been trying to stay awake until midnight, so I can call when you'll be awake, but gave up after I fell asleep on the sofa 3 nights on the trot!