18th December - Back in the UK
Back in the UK now, we both feel ready to burn the rucksacks and the majority of their contents.After visiting nine countries, eight of which we have never been to before, packed and un-packed at least 52 times and had 33 flights we are both a bit knackered.However, we are so lucky to have been able to experience so much.From seeing wonders of the world, fantastic scenery, meeting up with old friends and family and meeting new people along the way.We have seen some great vibrant cities, amazing wildlife and people who are happy, despite having very little and living in awful conditions.All the different cultures and cuisines and experiences we have had will never be forgotten.We've had an incredible time and feel that we have been enriched by this trip and can't wait for the next time.
- comments
Lady T Hi Duchie and Duke Gibson So glad you are back in the Smoke. And just in time to enjoy the wonderful weather we are having here. Well I can't wait to see you, and to catch up. Have a fab day tomorrow. Perhaps you could wrap up one of your ruck sacks as a surprise gift/secret santa gift!!!! Looking forward to seeing you both. lots of love Lady T XXXXXXX