What no update? Presumably you've more exciting things to be doing than sitting in a dusty non-air-conditioned room telling us all about the in-flight food. As soon as you do have something to impart, tell it missus! We can't wait to hear how much you love it.
Ps. Dad and brothers all say you're to call them any time. The fit 30-year-old will be in BKK before too long..!
WELCOME to Thailand!!hope you've arrived sefely etc and the flight was ok,thinking bout you constantly.i know you'll be just fine...but let us kknow you're alive!!please! love you x x x x
lovely gaps, hope u are safely somewhere by now...missing u already, but getting heavily underway with plans for australia, so will let u know dates etc... perhaps we could 'put some shrimp on the barby' together if we are both out there at the same time.
anyway, just a note to say hope u are ok and happy. very excited for you. love love youhoo xxx
PORGE!!will be speaking before you go,obviously,plus hopefully can see you but just thought id leave you a msg.cant believe you're off so soon,u lucky porker,im sure it'll be amazing.i hope Ames enjoys it too. spk sooon Calamine x x x x x x
Has everyone remembered Ames' birthday tomorrow ???????????????????????????????????????xxxxx
Hey Guys,
Have an awesome time...I'm so jealous of you both! Don't you dare lose contact, and don't get up to anything too naughty (not without telling me about it anyway!).
Love you xxxxxx
Heehee I'm the first. Have the most *amazing* time Goergie and buddy. Can't wait to hear it all, and I know Lana can't either. We'll be logging in to hear all the latest about the fitties! Be good though, eh?