The terrible twins big adventure..
The last leg...
Hi everyone.
This is one of the last journal entries I will e writing before coming home. Ames and I getting back in exactly 25 days. So Wierd to think that 4months has nearly come and gone, really have had the most life changing experience.
Basically, we got back to Brisbane last night from Auckland where we stayed for a night (is an absolute dump, wouldn't reccomend it to anyone). The weather is sunny and beautful here, was becoming quite accustomed to the freezing NZ weather.
We are heading to Noosa today which should be a laugh. Because of all the travelling we have done in the past few weeks we have decided that we are going to take a week out just to chill out and enjoy the rest of the time we have here.
After Noosa we are going to head to Fraser island, where will do the 4x4 tour thing around the island for a couple of days (apparently the island has more sand on it than the sahara desert!!!)
cant wait to see you all back at home.
much love ames and georgie
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