Arrived at 8.30am and joined a queue to get my equipment and instructions. I was given a pouch (like a baby sling), secateurs and gloves and instructions were dolled out by our supervisor Sue, it was simple, only pick the mandarins that were a good size. What I must add is that looking at the Orchard it did look so peaceful, rows upon rows of orange trees. The reality of it was 23oC+ heat, wearing long sleeves and trousers (protection from the spiky trees, spiders, flies, ants, and any other creepy crawly that you can think of) I was given a row number and walked along with a group of people and headed for row 68 which appeared to be rather far away, from the toilets and exit. As i got closer the oranges appeared to thin out, only to then be told that the trees were picked twice, and we were doing the second picking.(hummm not good, especially as i was a first time picker) Anyway got stuck in, started at the bottom and picked to as far as i could reach, by this time i only had about 10 oranges, looked at the huge bin and realised this was going to be hard work. Time to get to the tops and hope that the oranges were bigger, perched on a 18 foot ladder at the top of the tree, whilst trying to balance the bag and not lose any oranges. The oranges were a littler bigger, but didn't feel to comfortable on the ladder. When my pouch was full i would empty it into a HUGE bin, which didn't seem to make a dent in the space that was waiting to be filled. I was going like the clappers, yet it seemed to be taking forever to fill. After 8 hours i managed to fill half a bin (which i was told was about average for day 1. My whole body ached from head to toe and i was covered in cob webs and dirt. I had a chat to the more experienced pickers (Nicole & Jim) who informed me that the trees were really bad, and the oranges were ever so small, and were going to look for work on an independent farm. Nicole has my number and is going to keep me updated on any news in the area. I think i'm going to hold out and see if i can pick up speed and see how i go for the rest of the week. At least i'm in the fresh air, earning money and enjoying the different experience.
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