Have you heck!!!!!!!!!!! Lol when u get to new zealand let me know what the weather is like (sorry for peter kay rip off) my mum wants to go to new zealand and is draggin me with her, am only going if i can get a tan.
sue n john- chhers for u msg. didnt get an email off alex tho- maybe she has the wrong email address for me. I dont believe johns 'cold' excuse either!
alexis-'catatonic'- u stil got that theasaurus next to ur desk then?lol
as if i could ever forget ur birthday-ive already put the order in with interflora
ian-shud be gettin bk to BAngkok bout the 12th feb n then doin the islands. so itll be the march full moon party for us
keep us informed bout ur route, i reckon our paths will cross at some point
ash-dont thnk i need to ask micky. i can take a good guess
Alright you two, managed to delete the link through to this several weeks ago and forgot where it was located but now im here! How long are you guys going to be in Asia for or have you already left? Me and Avery get into Bangkok on 22nd if your gonna be anywhere about? Im in work so this will be short and sweet. Hope your enjoying yourselves.
Ian xxxx
Charlie F
He-ey u 2!! finally figured out how to do this thing, tho cant work the diary things in the right order so only read the first few and the last few, and some about seaweed and a bamboo boat. Hope all is well out there, Gambia was ace but lost the tan already dammit. I'm gona save this website in my favourites now so i dont lose it again! Take care and il speak2u again soon no doubt, lotsa love xxx :)
Cliff Moffat
Hi Kym and Gaz, been reading all your messgs. to and from and managing to translate most of the "youngspeak" into the English language , so beware. What a great adventure you are on make the most of it. Great boost when Villa held Chelsea after the Newcastle disaster. Off to sunny Spain manana not too far from the Rock so am brushing up belatedly on the Espanol. Bad news from down under its going to be a whitewash. The MCC are going to have an inquest. They are misguided and should organise a firing squad, pronto. We all got nice presents for Christmas thanks for yours gaz and the card. I am very lucky cheerio and nil desperandum ! Tk care Gdad M
yo yo yo!!
just thought i'd let you know
i) how much i'm enjoying your little blogs
ii) insanely jealous of all the places you have been/ will be going too
iii) gonna be more gutted when ian gets over there (with avery in tow) and i hear more about the se asian penisula
oh and chelsea dropped more points so the gap is still 6pts!!! :-)
keep the blogs coming thick and fast; they've replaced england's cricket scorecard as my first web page to check!
"the drunken pincher"~ ask glasgow!
Hey Kids,
Happy New Year!! Glad your having an awesome time and i almost went into a catatonic state at the thought of Gaz learning about culture - jus kiddin!!!
I just learnt how this message system works cause my computer is really dodgy and wont let me access certain sites - bloody government fascism.
Guidford is ok bit borring, met up with Mark in London just before Xmas and he spent the whole time psycho analysing me - who knew the boy was so insightful, gonna meet up jus before my bday which in case youve forgotten is the 23rd so i expect a msg even if you are in the middle of nowhere wearing sexy shorts lol.
Anyway i suppose i should get back to work - tax payers money and all that.
Take care kids and will write soon xxx
Sue And John
Hi Gaz and Kym
Happy New Year to you both! Alex sent you an e-mail from us all wishing you a Happy Christmas - hope you got it - only just realised we can send you messages this way although we have been following your journal with avid interest - it all sounds great!
Hope you had good New Year celebrations - John is still recovering from ours - he says it's a cold but I know the truth! He's also upset Utd only managed a draw against Newcastle when they've been doing so well!
Looking forward to the next journal entries - you both seem to be really enjoying yourselves!
Take care, Sue, John, Alex and David
Howdy all
thought i'd best get with the rest of you & leave a much awaited msg. Thanx 4 all ur comments and emails - they're quality - keep em comin!
mum,Dad n Matt - Happy New Yr 2u too, have emailed you all so chek wen u get chance - no pork on xmas day - stuck to the sticky rice - the sqealing pig was enuf 2put ne1 off meat!
Gaz's family - thanks for all ur messages & emails - don''t worry i'm making sure he behaves himself
Nana & Grandad - miss u too but am taking good care of myself & really enjoying it all so don't worry.
Kielz - appreciate all your info although making me a little homesick at times - all gud tho - take thats on the MP3 lol. Reckon that was the 1 i was at but got it for xmas on DVD so no worries on that front. The hairs yet to make an appearance but still looking pretty dodgy - really could have brought my straighteners :(
Apes - can't believe i missed Donkey Derby - no IT boxes in Cambodia so ul have to play for me hun - i've got every faith in u - just steer clear of TOTP2!!!!!!
Charlie F - hope the Gambia treated u well lady
Greg - steered clear of the lager this new year so sickness not a problem - im sure u found someone else to take my place and laugh at tho!
Katy - who r you kiddin little un - no-one from uni calls u Katy! Have mailed ur mum n will def b payin her a visit. no dorm sharing as of yet & rucksacks a piece of cake ;) missin our boozy sessions but am sure they'll be plenty wen i return! will help u any way i can - jus email me n il try me best. Save sum primark trips for me when i get bak missus!
all done for another few weeks (lol),
lots of love to you all
kym xx
Rachel- No.sorry, I think everyone deserves to know
Grandad- Loving your lingo
Mum Dad N Matty
hey you 2, kno it's a bit late but MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Hope you had a fab day, though i don't see how you can't have. Hope the pair of you are ok and enjoyin yourselves, lookin at ur photos im well jealous!!! I'm disappointed to see you havent got hair like the photos of when u were on holiday on the boat, lol.
Gaz won't appreciate this but kno u will kym b. take that were just on tv from the concert they did at mancs, and i guess tis the 1 u were at? it looked amazing!!
Anyway, have a lovely new yr and keep in touch
take care the pair of u
love kielz xxx