Gosh I am soooo impressed with this amazingly professional blog. I am sure if we read it out to Jocelyne's class, they would be astonished to hear it is you who is zip lining down mountains etc.
Have an absolutely fantastic time
Hi Jean
It all sounds incredibly fabulous. I find myself dipping into your blog in the hope of another instalment. Pat sends her love [still at odds with talktalk and internet] Have a lovely Easter.
Anne x
John & Jane Day
Hello Jean
June, Graham and Marjorie asked us to send you their love and best wishes and to wish you a very, very, very Happy Easter on their behalf.
Gill Oliver
Hi Jean I can't believe it . It's about eleven oclock at night and we have just come in from dinner with some friends. I read your latest blog and thought I would send you a message before I went to bed . Have spent quite some time doing it and it has disappeared off the face of the earth . Anyway here I go again. Glad to know that you have got to The Galapagos Islands safely although it sounds as if you had quite a journey . I expect it will seem quite quiet after all your adventures in Equador. Your swinging from mountain to mountain sounded very exciting , I wish I could have been there with you. Spoke to Roger B yesterday . He hasn't got his driving licence back yet so he is putting off his trip to England until May. We will be back by then so he will be able to come and stay with us. The family have gone home now so it seems very quiet here at the moment , that is until Teresa and Terry arrive next week. Have a good Easter and look after yourself. Don sends his love L Gill X X
Ann And Roger
Hi Jean,
Glad to hear you have made it to the Galapagos Islands. It sounds as if you had a pretty hectic journey, but hopefully you can now relax for a bit.
We are off to stay with Simon and Pam for the Easter weekend, back on Tuseday, so we are hoping for some decent weather.
Best wishes from us both for Easter.
Ann and Roger
Jane & John Day
Hello Jean,
We are really enjoying news of all your activities. At the rate you're going you'll be fit enough for the 2012 Olympics. Have a Happy Easter. We expect they make it a real festival over there.
Jane & John
Vivien Foley
Dear Jean.
I thought you were off to China to teach English!! Then Nicky, kindly, sent me your blog. What a fantastic trip. It gives us all hope/faith that we may find light at the end of the dark tunnels that we, seemingly have to go through. I so enjoyed reading all that you have been up to.
I have had so much pleasure from my birthday present that Peter gave me in the summer, A camera for the blue tit box and they have started nesting. What a time waster. I cannot stop watching them. They have taken the bedding in and out three times. Every time they seem to be moving in, they are out the next day. Then they are back in again, and so on.
Either they are having marital problems or they keep being guzumpt!! Anyway they seem to be firmly " in residence", at last, as they are building frantically. Heaven knows if they are the original couple!! But that is back here in the U.K. and you are seeing really exciting things and having very exciting ventures.
I look forward to hearing more in the near future. 'til then
love from
Nicky Davey
Hi Jean
Your adventurous weekend has left me exhausted! First down the tubes and then zip lining from mountain top to mountain top. Well done you. The Galapagos sound a very different sort of adventure so hope you enjoy seeing all there is to see there.
Ann And Roger
Hi Jean,
We are so enjoyiong your blogs. You seem to be having a fascinating time, also meeting other travellers to share your experiences with. Sorry we have been so long in sending a reply or message, but life is busy here but of course very mundane compared with Peru!
The Spannish lessons sound as if they have been very intense, no doubt you are now very fluent! We very much look forward to heaqring from you once you get to the Galapagos Islands.
We looked after Megan whilst Rachel and Stu had a weekend in Paris. As you can imagine from your own experiences, we were pretty worn out by the time thew got back. But, surprise, surprise, they got engaged! The wedding is planned for some time next year. "Marriage a la mode" - live together, have a child, and possibly another, and then get married!
Paula is now 5 months pregnant and is feeling much better. She has just had a scan and all is well. They are now in Cyprus for a weeks holiday in Paphos.
Spring has sprung here in Wimbledon, the weather for the last week or so has been quite warm and sunny, all the Spring blossom is out, magnolias, camelias, daffodils, flowering cherry trees. No doubt we will have a sharp frost one day and that will be the end of it all. But we can enjoy it while it lasts and feel that Summer is on the way.
We have been doing a lot in the garden to get it ready for the Summer; the greenhouse is full of plants and seed trays!
We are going down to Pembrokeshire for Easter to visit Simon and Pam. Lets hope this good weatrher will last, but the forecast is not too hopeful!
Keep the blogs coming! Love from us both and keep well,
Roger and Ann
Gill Oliver
Hi Jean Just read your latest blog. do keep them coming as they are so interesting. Can just imagine you in San Francisco Square . It is so beautiful Hope you are getting our info on your message board. Can't believe we have been here two weeks already. Louise and family went home today .We shall miss them a lot. It was just lovely having them all here with us. Freddy took his armbands off for the first time and he and Charlie had a great time together swimming and diving in the pool. I think Cameron enjoyed the fishing and golfing best. Looking forward to your blogs from the Galapagos. Your day is starting very early. I wonder what time it gets light there. Finishing early you should get a lot of time to see the flora and fauna of the islands. Do give us a picture of a giant tortoise if you can. Have a good journey there and take care L. Gill X X
Christine Fulcher
Hi Jean
I love reading about your adventures- you will have to use your blogs to trite a book when you get back. Glad you were on to the sprayers. Interesting about the Good Friday events, once in Madrid in Holy Week I went to a Procession of the Penitants and it was one of the most interesting things I have seen! Look forward to your next blog and keep on taking care!!
Gill Oliver
Hi Jean Got your blog today.We are in the States now with Louise Roger,Cameron,Charlie and Freddy.We left glorious weather in England only to get rain here as soon as we arrived. Not quite your torrential type though.We went to the equater site when we were in Quito,must have been great to be there for the Spring Equinox.Did you get a photo with one foot either side of the line? Do keep blogging ,it.s great fun reading all the things that you are up to and luckily as we have been there we can imagine it all. Everyone sends their love . Take care Gill X X X