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Gabrielle's Walkabout Downunder
New Zealand Holiday
New Zealand Holiday (175 photos)
Us on top of a mountai…
Apr 24, 2008
MB, Lucy our friend fr…
Apr 25, 2008
Our last night in New …
Apr 25, 2008
Last meal in NZ "Green…
Apr 25, 2008
our room in the Hostel…
Apr 25, 2008
Bride of Remeberence a…
Apr 24, 2008
bridge in Christchurch
Apr 24, 2008
Apr 24, 2008
Apr 24, 2008
Austrial New Zealand A…
Apr 24, 2008
celebrating ANZAC day
Apr 24, 2008
Apr 24, 2008
Scene from new Narna m…
Apr 24, 2008
at the sheep farm
Apr 24, 2008
all this from one sheep
Apr 24, 2008
Apr 24, 2008
Sheep and Cattle Herder
Apr 24, 2008
Apr 24, 2008
they were so big
Apr 24, 2008
Apr 24, 2008
Apr 24, 2008
Apr 24, 2008
the herders
Apr 24, 2008
going to go get me som…
Apr 24, 2008
view from atop the she…
Apr 24, 2008
just another pretty view
May 1, 2008
Group shot
May 1, 2008
so blue
May 1, 2008
Mt. cook
May 1, 2008
the first place we stayed
May 1, 2008
the shotski is even in…
May 1, 2008
kiwi ice cream mmmmm
May 1, 2008
huge fruit stand
May 1, 2008
we stopped to take som…
May 1, 2008
not sure who took this
May 1, 2008
there we go
May 1, 2008
what am i doing?
May 1, 2008
our coach "Rhonda"
May 1, 2008
Mirror Lake
May 1, 2008
see the reflections
May 1, 2008
look at the tip of the…
May 1, 2008
reflection of the moun…
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
look at all the snow
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
Homer tunnel
May 1, 2008
all that came the day …
May 1, 2008
The Chasm
May 1, 2008
the bird in the shot b…
May 1, 2008
liked this quote
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
Incredible to see that…
May 1, 2008
our cruise ship for on…
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
our room.. nice and cozy
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
we saw so many dolphins
May 1, 2008
right next to the boat
May 1, 2008
in Milford sound
May 1, 2008
Marybeth, Marah, me
May 1, 2008
Huge waterfall
May 1, 2008
a real cruise ship.. i…
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
a kiwi bungying in our…
May 1, 2008
our place in queenstown
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
Canyon swing
May 1, 2008
just to compare
May 1, 2008
Marybeth in her harness
May 1, 2008
me all ready
May 1, 2008
the canyon
May 1, 2008
MB getting set
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
what jump we did.. "Fo…
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
some stats
May 1, 2008
funny pics
May 1, 2008
after our jumps relaxing
May 1, 2008
Ferg Burger
May 1, 2008
says to have the World…
May 1, 2008
their menu
May 1, 2008
mmmm my burger was soo…
May 1, 2008
all ready for our ride
May 1, 2008
Diana getting on
May 1, 2008
she hasn't ridden much
May 1, 2008
horses waitin
May 1, 2008
MB getting situated
May 1, 2008
what we saw on our ride
May 1, 2008
probably a shot from L…
May 1, 2008
the horse i rode.. "Ha…
May 1, 2008
our tour guide his hor…
May 1, 2008
so pretty
May 1, 2008
awesome view
May 1, 2008
thats me on top of the…
May 1, 2008
in the forest
May 1, 2008
another shot from the …
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
think this shot was in…
May 1, 2008
my reflection
May 1, 2008
THe X-men movie was sh…
May 1, 2008
another shot
May 1, 2008
Harry after our ride
May 1, 2008
on the Gondola
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
so nice
May 1, 2008
me on the Luge inside
May 1, 2008
more of the town
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
Marah, me, Diana on th…
May 1, 2008
photo finish
May 1, 2008
Fag machine
May 1, 2008
Ice bar
May 1, 2008
Minus 5
May 1, 2008
all vodka
May 1, 2008
horse sculpture
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
we are cool...literally
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
the menu
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
Diana was so proud til…
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
so comfy
May 1, 2008
sword fish i think
May 1, 2008
Eifle tower
May 1, 2008
go girl
May 1, 2008
all of us in the bar
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
Radler one of the best…
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
on a long rope bridge
May 1, 2008
so blueeeeee
May 1, 2008
skipping rocks
May 1, 2008
the bridge
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
Group shot 2 with some…
May 1, 2008
Lake Matewson
May 1, 2008
so still
May 1, 2008
Mt. Cook and Mt. Tasmain
May 1, 2008
mmm... a citrus infuse…
May 1, 2008
Fox Glacier
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
like the outfit.. got …
May 1, 2008
our hike
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
in a huge hole thing
May 1, 2008
so pretty
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
yay the guide ax
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
At the Jade Factory
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
so pretty but so expen…
May 1, 2008
Death's corner
May 1, 2008
At the sheep Farm
May 1, 2008
Deer u can pet
May 1, 2008
they actually Farm the…
May 1, 2008
We stayed here it was …
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
our room
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
so pretty
May 1, 2008
Diana is in there some…
May 1, 2008
more from the sheep fa…
Apr 24, 2008
Apr 24, 2008