Day 0
Left LHR at noon with Malaysian airlines. We are 2 hrs from Kuala Lumpur somewhere over the ocean and just had my first breakfast of rice and sembal. Quite a turbulent flight, and of course my VOD does not work. Have therefore started to watch the Good Wife on ipad thanks to Val.
I had a couple of meetings with ZSL before I left to get more understanding of the work and what I will do. It's really interesting and causes that I can relate to, so am excited at the prospect of starting this in 10 days. In the meantime I will be in Yogyakarta visiting and learning some Bahasa Indonesian basics. Back to school... Hopefully with a swimming pool.
Nick drove me to the airport and I already miss him. The good news is that he should be able to meet me in June for a week of holidays, most likely in Thailand. Can't wait.
- comments
David Parkinson Looking forward to hearing what you're getting upto over there Fab, sounds like you're on a very exciting path :)
John Lezemore Thinking of you Fabrice. Hope you are keeping safe and enjoying the Good Wife. Watch out for creepy crawlies.
laurence Desolee d'avoir manque ta soiree de depart ! je te souhaite un super voyage, je suis bien sur super jalouse, profite un maximum de l'opportunite. N'oublie pas le temps pourri ici, rien que pour ca je t'envie ! bisous, laurence
james Rice and what? For breakfast? Glad you are already experiencing it like a true local! Jxx
marianne oooh that's so cute about Nick !