Wandering Europe
Yeh kinda a cliche beach pic but that is kinda what it is like.....well i will make this shorter cause i am i wake up and have it all planned to get the heck outta barcelona......i hit internet one more time and secure some plans for the coming days......well i also wanted to ditch some of the weight i had been gaining in thinking i might be hiking a bit and not wating the extra 3 lbs on me.......well then i thought i should backup my photos cause what if there were an incident that i did.....6.26 and my photos were secure....almost the whole 512mb card too......well the 5 minute express didnt apply to me cause it was such a large i had 20 minutes to kill......well i decided to figure out the trains cause i knew the station was close......found it and got in line and i am thinking cool this is np.....well i was definatly at the wrong train station.....not the main one which would be going to where i wanted to which was lisbon in the end but salamonca would do for the day......well go back to get the cd and it is not done......grrr......all is well it is next to a music store.......i walked in pretentding to sorta maybe want to buy a guitar and then finally picked it up and made them listen to some american music......i even tossed in one of my own......oh yes they were graced with my presence....i am gonna be so rusty by the time i get home then finally the cd is done......time to find the one in the town appartently visits the post office as none of them know excatly where it is....they all have a pretty good guess but no definates.......well finaly find after some treking and backtracking......nicest lady helps me out cause my instructions were gonna be rough....i needed my prices and choices and for 20 dollars i lost 3 lbs and hopefully all will be well on its way in a mear 2 months via ship....well it had gotten late and lunch had come and was gonna be over hit up the grocery store and got some is reallyhard to by for one perosn......i should reiterate this.....pain in the neck.....especially the meat.....they come in premade packs as does cheese the simple ham and cheese sandwhich is not so food headed back to the hostel.....made myelf a nice little sandwich and i was off to find the main station......found ti in decent time though their labeling in the tunnels is much worse then in france.....or maybe i need to figure out i am at this main station and get in the wrong line....trains for regional only....ok i needed internation and countrywide line.....found that and no one was waiting.....sweet......until i go to ask the guy a question and he just points at a large number above him......ummm seems you need a ticket....ok so i grab a number 476.....current number 180......approx wait time 3 am not liking this spanish train bit at all....i noticed this coming into barcelona the trip took much longer then a similar trip in france.......ok well i would have just enough time to get the tix and head to salamonca at 715......i wandered a bit and called mom seeing as how i had 2 hrs to kill before i even needed to be in the vicinity......i must say though makes a lot of sense cause imagine that many people in line....the stress of waiting for that long.....this way people could go sit down chat....even use the facilities there which were imence......i almost think they make such line so one would patronize the place.....there were arcades and shops and eats....basically a mini mall.......well so sat waited even layed down on my pack but i got yelled at cause apparently you cant be too comphy while waiting.....special security gaurd came over and snapped his fingers.....did so to the guy next to me too......i hope that wasnt his only job.....not much job satisfaction there......but i was thinkin i should grab other numbers while i wait and scalp em......could be a big business.....which is prolly the main job of said security dude.....anyway i finally get up 2 and half then the guy informs me no salamonca......but the sign......well apparently it was simply for arrivals.......why put an arrivals sign above where you buy the tickets......sillyness.....ok well what other trains are it is full.......what....yup full......wait maybe i can squeeze you in.......oh yes he could using one eurorail day and 86 euros i could have a room to myself......ummm......too much.....i couldnt bite the bullet....and there were no other trains leaving that all that go anywhere.....i didnt believe it but what wasi gonna ok what about madrid tom....930 for 6 euros...that i could do an did it......well as i got done and thought more this is completly not what i wanted.....i would get to madrid where i didnt want to be......i would have to use a eurail day to do so and use it quite inefficiantly as i can start using it at 7pm the day before and through 12 the next day.....a 29hr day and i would be starting 9 hrs after i can use it and arrive after 16 hrs.....make sense does to me.....well mom was ready to fly my to lisbon for an enorminate amount of made no sense......there was a reason i did not go to morracco with the NZ's it would be a ton of traveling and i would not see that much more.......i would have to use mutiple eurail days going back and lisbon sadly ws not happening......i had heard great things and had a place to stay but it didnt make could eat the 6 euros and try to figure out any way to get out of town......there was an info desk....asked where to get bus tickets.....they gave me instruction that didnt fact i still never found where you get bus tickets....and there is no maps no scheduals......something that says and shows where these other egional trains go......finally i find the supreme info had a ticket deal as well......luckily the weight time was 8 minutes just 20 numbers ahead....well it was 20 minutes but whatever the lady was helpful...she hooked me up with a map i was so happy......clearly they are quite frugal with their paper i went to the proper line for regionals a short wait and 4.95 later i was outta the town.......grabbed a snack after the hardcore frustration and onto the train.....sat next to a really nice lady who didnt speak much english but was also fluent in french....frnech i could sorta do so that worked......there was a pedaller who came on the bus and sang for us some spanish music and played guitar.....pretty good too......and he made a killing......i asked her if it was normal and she said no....but most give some money to those who try.....err at least that was her opinion....she didnt like giving to those who just beg......and all this in later i ws in town......acording to the map there was a campground......the lady knew not of it but she pointed me the direction it would be.......i figured eh i make it there or i find some spot to camp......sure enough it was only 25minute walk.......i prayed it wsnt expensive......i even joked witht he girl there i told her i had a very little tent and very little money.....and she said i only need to pay a little money....6,85 i think.....nice.....i was in heaven....i ws pitched next to a german couple who had just beenin the cold that there was ice on their tent some nights.....insanity.....cooked pasta and sauce did some laundry and hit the shower.......then i was beat and hit the hay......woke up around 9 and decided i will prolly spend another was cheap and i didnt want keep rushing.....i wanted to went to town tried to book a train for tom but that cannot happen......but i do have the schedual and so that is excellant......then went back bought a 2 dollar beach mat and layed on the beach for a while......i am back in town....on the way i asked a computer store aout internet....the lady was so nice and offered to let me use hers......i didnt know what to do.....couldnt do a posting but sent the mom an email thinking i would not find a computer......well i did right next to the tourist now i am off to splurge on a nice spanish lunch.....then grabbing some groceries for dinner and breakfast as i think i found some more fuel for my stove.....noteasy to come by....i ask for alcohol and they send me to liquore stores.....or the pharmacy both of which do not have what i need.....but all is well and i ahve literature to read while eating a tapas i believe....til then...ben
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