I hope "topless" means without your hat Frances!!!!!!! ha ha have fun.
Helllllooooo Franko. Nice web page. Pierced Bronzin - when did you get that done and can you post a photo on the web :) Frazer Island looks amazing, you are soooooo lucky! And i cant believe you got to drive one of those 4wd!!!
Hey sweetie,
Just wanted to let you know that I am in lovely innisfail australia right now doing one of the most s***ty ass jobs in the world.. you got it, banana picking. anyways leanne has left me alll alone to go see paul in new zealand, so you have to come see me when you leave bundy. how much longer till yo uget up here????? lemme know
oh ya nad i got some loooovely pics of you topless on the noosa beach SMOKING!!!
luv janelle
Big Mamma
This is a hello to everyone and esp Vicky! good to hear about your course next year. Good luck you'll make a wonderful teacher. Frances I like your new name Pierced Bronsin!! Ha Ha.Cheers from sunny Elgin. Where are you on the jeep/beach photo?
Hi again Franco! Really posting a message to say hi to your mum and dad - hello!! I'm very jealous of your groovy names!! Hope you're all well : )
Auntie Susan
Hi Frances - big brother told me about your website which I will continue to visit whilst turning green with envy! Enjoy your adventures!
G'day mates, thanks soooo much for all your messages, it has been great fun reading them all! Unfortunately due to technical difficulties I lost all of my Fraser Island photos....so instead i have pinched a couple of one of my travelling buddies (cheers Paul!). I'll update you again soon, missing you all x
Yeah, didn't you hear about Frances' new blow hole. Rumour has it she's being called Pierced Bronzin!
Nose piercing!? Tell me more Franc! Was it sore?
Big Mamma
Glad you are still having a great time but I have a question about your new nose piercing- Next time you get a cold will you need a bigger hankie???????
How ya doin mate? hope all is still going well down under and that you're saving the pennies for the next crazy experience! Sent you an e.mail today so you can catch up properly with that. Love ya x
Did I write style when I meant still.... <----- tool of the year award!