Hi guys!!
 Travel blog is coming to an end, will be back in about 12 days- woo hoo!!
Check out my new uploaded photos- tiger temple ones are pretty great!
Well, I really want to tell you what ive been doing but there actually is too much!
I went on a 2 1/2 hour trek through the jungle to stay the night in Patong Village (A traditional Hilltribe village) up in the mountains!
We got a great wooden hut to sleep in with mosquito nets (apparently you can get malaria up there) but im fine- i think!!
We then had a traditional meal with them and they danced and sang traditional songs- we were used to sing a traditional song from our countries. So we sand 'Old McDonald had a farm'= ha ha!!
There were no songs that both me, the aussies and frenmch girl new apart from that!
Next morning we woke and had breakfast and got picked up by elephants (yes, elephants an\nd they were unchained) Our guide even jumped off at one point. I got to sit on its neck and steer it- was fantastic! You use you foot to nude it behind its ears- it doesnt hurt it! We were taken on an hour long journey to the bambo rafting activity! Where we sat on bamboo and were steered down stream by a guide but we kept sinkng and getting stuck on the rocks so he nicknamed as 'big fat elephants' which was nice!!
We then went to a monkey show- which I hated. It had monkeys on bikes and playing basketball- disapproved. Then went to a snake show- which was great and very informative! There was one part where we all nearly cried with fear. These two snake handlers were trying to get a 'jumping snake' out of its box but were struggl;ing as we imaginied that it was biting at them- suddenly this huge green snake flies up out of the box (jumping) and into the crowd- we screamed and started looking for the snake. The handlers looked worried and ran towards us saying 'very poisonous- it may bite' we were freaking out. He then reached down and grabbed it and and we realised it was a toy!! ARRRGGGGG!!
Also held a Python and kissed it- my friend has photos!!
There are been so much. Tonight were going on the sleeper train back to Bangkok and then onto Koh Sumui. where I can go diving- really craving it!! Love Thailand but starting to ge bored of the food now- its all the same flavour but its cheap so I dont mind that much!!!
Oh had a Thai massage yesterday (included in the trip) it was amazing- gave us clothes to waer. It isnt relaxing at all- they really move you and crack your bones about but you come out of there a new person. Never felt so flexible before!!! FRAN-TASTIC!!
Anyway, I think thats it for now- going to see the the Grand Palace tomorrow!!
The head above I visited, You had to sit on the floor to photograph it because its rude to stand above a Buddha. I got blessed the other day by a Buddhist Monk in a temple. I now have a string band around my hand which gives me good luck for 10 years- CAN IT GET ANY BETTER- DOUBT IT!!!
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