Well Everyone
I have decided to change my blog site, so hope you all get this.
Im hoping to have put a message on the old blog for you to link to this one.
Today is the day I leave for Cambodia, already had tears, going to be a tough day.
trying first to get an appointment at doctors as I have a sore throat this morning.
Alls good got one, so hopefully will get antibiotics.
For those that are not sure what Im upto Im off to Cambodia to work in an Orphanage, I have signed up for a month but planning to be away for 6 months so hoping that I m okay and settle in and stay longer.
While there Im hoping to travel around Vietnam & other areas. Then the plan is to move on to Australia to meet up with friends I made 13 years ago when I backpacked around.
It is hard to do it, people think Im brave, Im not really I just feel that if I dont make an effort to go forward and see whats in the world I will never know. Plus as Im not working and have that chance its silly not too.
Reckon I was also born with a little gypsy in my blood.
Please stay in touch & read my blog as when I was away in Peru last year it was great to get your messages.
- comments
Gemma Hi Bobbs, well thankfully it worked, I'm logged in whilst your frantically blow drying your hair , opening post and trying to stay calm xxxx ha ha it's going to be quiet without you x
Mark Spittles Well I hope your time keeping improves as you haven't even left Portsmouth yet and you're already running late! Lol! Have a great trip Bobby, I'm missing you already x x
Claire Quartermain Wow so exciting hoping you will brighten my winter mornings when i read your blogs! Be safe xx
Nicky Hey Mum, Well i know you arrived in hong kong today as with the technology of facetime we have spoken :) and now hope the final part of your journey to Phnom Penh goes smoothly..... I am very proud of you and know you will have an amazing time and i look forward to our chats and like Claire says the enjoyment of your blogs :) Love you loads and speak to you once your settled xxxxx