just a message to AMber from her workout buds, Chuck wanted us to tell ya that he has your schedule all lined up for next week, looks like you'll be doing 2 a days the whole week, trying to get rid of all that pizza!!!!! SEE YA SOON!!!!!
Hi, guys! Think about it--today's 5-5-5. Sounds like fabulous adventuring. Here, weather's been excellent, cooler than expected. Have continued blastoids--everybody says "hi". Marc/Dena's wedding 5/28/05.
I am still loving life in Houston, but it certainly doesnt compare to all of your spectacular adventures. Thank you for keeping us all updated despite your internet difficulties. Yet again Josh, some of your photos are amazing. I love and miss you both immensely!
Alex Butler
OK, so here I am in the library its like 40 degrees outside in MAY!!!! I have to study for finals, just got done with an Organic lecture that encompassed the entire idea (chemically) of pharaceutical drug syntheses. While trying to sign up for summer MCAT classes, begin my med school application, volunteer, study for finals, plan a lake trip, and start a new job; whew just writing it makes me rethink my career goals, and consider going to law school instead (ha). Yet I digress, hope that all are having a wonderful time and staying healthy and happy. You know this trip is a wonderful start to so many great experiences and opportunities, I wish the all of the fam. the most wonderful tidings from Arkansas and ask that you all come and see me once and a while despite what you may have heard about the state. Be good and stay safe
Greetings from Aix!
Looks like you guys are having a *great* time--I can't wait to see piccies of Croatia, and Barcelona's gonna be a blast, I'm sure (I love that city!).
Remember, if you're in the area anytime this month, you've got a place to crash--and we've got parties scheduled *every* weekend... Oh, fun! Minus all the tests, of course.
Steph (from Bruges)
ohhhhhhhh italy! gotta agree with ian on the being stuck with finals, but i guess you guys already put in your time with this stuff. =) hope you got some awesome pics in rome/milan. cant wait for you two get back here, lates!
Kelle Rose
If you really are asking what we want as souveniers....I would LOVE some good chocolate. OH and bring back Jesper too.
Rock on guys...you're in Europe and I'm studying for finals...yeah that's fair. Have fun and never mind the b******s.
I'd like to offer a completely irrelevant shout-out, because, well, I've been stuck in front of a computer writing for weeks and it seems like an appealing distraction. Happy Birthday to Julia Hartelius who turns 19 today! Woohoo! Grattis pa fodelsedagen - puss och kram.
Hey Amber, Got your text this morning Spot is doing fine, Misty has been staying there some, but she goes to play with him every day, she was out there an hour & 1/2 the other night and he just sat by the back door. The "chicken" was found at the FRONT door last night so it could have been there a while, she said she pitched it to her & Spot just looked at it and looked at her????? Have you seen any Harley shops? I'm sure the "eye candy" is everywhere!! Have fun, be safe. Tamra
Kelle Rose
It was very nice getting a text all the way from Italy! THANKS! If you didnt get mine back, I MISS YALL A TON AND CANT WAIT FOR YALL TO GET BACK.
"but what if i crash and I dont die, and the sharks eat me?" "then youll bleed to death..." "well what if i survive that?" haha . I thought about that, and it made me laugh.
HEY AMBER....You make there safe? Any strip searches at the airports???? Hope you all have fun. Its rainy here today. Have a safe trip!!! DONT DRINK THE WATER!!! Shawn