Hi! Well I tried to view your photographs but the only photographs on the Walmart Website are of Jake and Felicia's wedding. Hope you haven't lost anything. But it was still good to hear from you. Love you and miss you and wish I was there.
Love Mom
Since you haven't posted any new pictures in awhile I thought I let you follow our trip
Sunday Puerto Rico depart 8:30pm (we might be able to get cell service)
Monday At Sea
Tues. Aruba arrive 8am depart 8:30pm
Wed. Curacao arrive 8am depart 5pm
Thurs. At Sea
Friday St. Maarten arrive 8am depart 5:30pm
Sat. St. Thomas 8am depart 5:30pm
Sunday Puerto Rico arrive 7am (we'll likely be off the ship and on our way back to the airport by 10am)
That mean Cheryl will be seeing you that Monday or is it Tuesday there??? Hope all is going well and that you are still having fun. Can't wait to see the picture & hear the stories.. Travel safe
Power Up! Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
I miss you man, hope you're havin' fun, but get back here all ready!!! Summer has been crazy so far, but you need to add to it! Can't wait til you get back!
Tell Nick I said helloooooooooooo.
Mom And Dad
Hi it was really good to hear from you again. We were just starting to really miss you. but now you can stay longer because you called. Italy sounds great I can't wiat to see the pictures. Well Dad and I are done for the day and now we are up to resting. So you have a great time resting at the beaches and we are looking forward to your updating the web site. Love you and take care.
Hi Seth. Well I think you better take it easy on the wine because your spelling is backwards. I had some beers with dad today while we were swimming in the pool. Dad told me he was really glad to hear from you today on fathers day. Will you bring me home some gelato. I wish I was with you I would have loved to do those hills with you and the water really looks good I could swim there now that cheryl taught me how to swim. Oh by the way I am really sorry I think I scratched cheryl while she was teaching me to swim. When you go back to spain bring me home some fresh bully sticks please. I like them alot and I promise to share them with rocky and fiji. Fiji went swimming today he had lots of fun. Rocky is still afraid of the water though. Well I have to go take a nap now talk to you later. love you lots Lannie and the gang everyone says hi.
Cheryl : )
So my mom thinks she is funny huh..lol i am not giving up my tickets to europe to meet up with you for anything in the world so they are gonna have to book their own flights !!!! anyway i will be there in T- 18 days waaahhhooo your getting me there soon enough!! the pictures so far and yours posts are awesome!! i am already jealous and wish i was there seeing everything already but soon enough i think i can handle the wait where half of it i'll be on my cruise lol but anyway just wanted to pop in and say hi oh yeah rocky and lannie gave me big kisses the other day i think they miss you a lot !! almost as much as i do !!! well keep taking picutres and posting cant wait to see you!!! xoxoxo i "heart" you mwaah
Woof (Hows it going in doggy talk) I miss you alot. Lannie took over my spot in Mom and Dads bed. He doesn't leave me any room. Mom told me you are going to take him hiking when you get back can you loose him. He misses you lots and always expects me to play with him (what a pain). Are there a lot of nice dogs there. What kinds of doggie foods do they have? Maybe you could bring home a friend for me. Well I miss you lots. Have a belly rub of a good time. Love Rocky
Hi Seth- The pictures look great. But please try putting them up when you aren't soooo drunk...It's really a pain to keep turning the moniter sideways to view the photos LOL.. Seems that you are haveing a great time. Steve & I can't wait to join you.. We are coming in place of Cheryl. We know you don't mind. You get 2 Abramowitz's instead of one.. Since you are loosing traveling partners I thought it would be a good trade. Travel safe & keep us posted.
Arlene & Steve
Mom And Dad
Hi Glad you finally made another post I (Mom) was starting to freak out cause I didn't know where you were and no one heard from you. But you made it to Italy looks beautiful. I can't wait till its my turn to go. You better do like Etch says and try the Gelato lots of Gelato eat some for me too. We can't believe its gonna be down to you and Nick. What are you doing to your travelmates. Your pictures are great. Lannie would like to go on a hike like that. I told him when you get back you will take him hiking. You could always drink water you know. Doesn't always have to be booze. Well have fun and we will look forward to your next posting.
love you lots
Hey Seth, just read your post about Italy, I loved it when I was there. Duomo is a hike, but definitely worth the view. I liked David too, but he was a lot smaller than I thought he would be, oh well. You should check out what was called "The Golden Bridge" or something like that. It is a bridge in Florence that is strictly shops with jewelry for decent prices. When I was there booze was easily the cheapest liquid to buy, definitely the way to go! Make sure to snag some gelato (sp?) while you're there, amazing! Also, just saw an article this morning about a drunk guy who drove a Celica down the Spanish Steps in Rome. Be sure to be on the look out, but definitely hit up the Spanish Steps, real nice. Also, when you get to rome definitely hit the pantheon, coluseium, and the forum. Really good sites! Rome is awesome, so I hope you enjoy it.
Glad you guys are having a great time! Be safe, and have fun. Wish I could be there. Miss you man, can't wait for you to get back!
Hey bro... Glad your having an amazing time! your pics are awesome. Stop scaring away all your travel partners (LOL!). Wish I could be there live up ttys.
Jake, Felicia and Fiji
hey seth you dont know me but i work with Chery at baylis and know soo much about you she talks about you all the time and told me about this website to check out where you are traveling to so i thought i would check it out looks like your having a lot of fun Cheryl cant wait to join you thats all she talks about i feel like i know you already!! i on the other hand am an old fart old enough to be your mom and living vicariously through yours, cheryls and my daughters trips to europe this summer!!! ENJOY cant wait to see all the pictures when you get back and finally meet you :)