O man!!! What a surprise :) Yesterday morning i got picked up from school thinking that I was going downtown for a doctors visit, and now ten hours later I'm sitting in the middle of Paris! I L-O-V-E my parents (and of course Mr. and Mrs. Brown for letting Tay come along)
I am completely retarded; my parents have been planning this trip since April and I had no idea at all about the whole thing, they are so sneeky. I thought we were going to the airport to pick up my Grandma's coat and the Miss. Brown showed up. I was so confused because I thought that she had an orthodonist appointment. Well a trip to Paris, London, and New York is definitely better. -- Taylor by the way thought we were going to the Zoo for my birthday. She was a little off :)
We landed in Chicago yesterday around 1pm. There was a little bit of a problem because our original JFK flight from STL had mechanical problems (dad told us this later) The entire time we were at the airport we had no idea where we were going, and I definitely didn't think that we were going out of the country. AHHhhhh
We sat down for lunch at Mac Grill in Chicago airport. Mom and Dad gave Taylor and I a crossword puzzle each. The answers to the puzzle were clues to where we were going. After me becoming very stressed and prying the answers out of my parents we finally solved the crossword. That thing was so hard!! After that we solved an anogram and taylor (that brainiac) figured out it said "Trip To Paris" WHAT??? Were going to Paris. T and I were completely shocked for the next nine hours.
We boarded the plane and for the next eight hours we talked, slept, and completed a couple of puzzles. Mrs. Brown was so prepared. The flight over was great for the girls we slept 5 and a half hours. Poor Mom and Dad got about half an hours sleep :(. Congratulations to Taylor she joined the Atlantic club!
We got to the Paris airport, a little tired, but anxious. We took a long van ride to get to the hotel, Tay a little sleepy. But after weaving our way through all the traffic, we stopped in front of the most beautiful hotel (right by the Ritz and Dior) called the Hotel Jolly Lotti . We ran inside to see our rooms -me and tay have our own :)- which have a great view of the busy Paris street below.
After a quick shower, we headed out to see the sights. We stopped at my favorite "boulangerie" for a quick "dejenuer". The sandwiches were delicious! We even got to use our french to order. :) I had un sandwhich jambon et fromage and taylor had the same with lettuce et tomate. MMMMM We also took an awesome picture of all the yummy cakes. There was even one shaped like a penguin.
We strolled down Rue du Rivioli and went through the Tuillerie Jardins. After that we headed to La Louvre. The beautiful palace looked so pretty against the fall colored trees. Once we got inside, we took alot of pictures, and saw some of the famous paintings and sculptures, like the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo. After that, we hit the gift shop, and bought postcards which we mailed back to the states immediately.
After the enjoyable trip to the Louvre, we went window shopping, and even stopped to eat some fresh crepes. Lemon-Sugar flavored. Yum! I found an awesome B day present a 100,000 dollar diamond necklace from Repossi. While walking around the ritz we also saw a bunch of police cars. Someone important must be coming.
Now we are taking a rest and cleaning up, and then heading to my favorite resteraunt L'adoise. We plan to eat there the next three nights!
Tomorrow we plan to hit the Champs e'lysee and Tour Eiffel.
Talk soon,
<3 Hats
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