Jag har lamnat Christchurch nu och ar glad for det. Staden ar valdigt fin och paminner lite om Goteborg som en sjofartstad men manniskorna dar maste vara NZ trakigaste, argaste manniskor. Det ar ju trots allt NZ brottshuvudstad sa jag antar att de maste uppratthalla ryktet.
Jag vandrade runt i staden och beundrade lite kyrkor och statyer, gjorde samt ett besok pa museet som va helt ok. Fick se en mumie vilket intressant. Annars sa va mitt hostel det mest intressanta under min resa dar. De hade gjort om ett gammalt fangelse till hostel vilket va valdigt coolt. Jag har lite bilder man kan inte lagga upp de just nu for de haller pa att gora om denna hemsida just nu men lagger upp de snart.
Skriver snart igen fran Wanaka! CAO
I've now left Christchurch and can't say that I'm sad. The city is nice and reminds me a lot of Gotheborg my hometown but the people here must be the most angry, booring people in whole of NZ. It was har to get a G'Day or a smile. It is the crimecapitol of NZ so I guess they try to maintain that reputation.
I walked around and admired some statues and churches, went to the museum as well which was ok. I got to see a mumie which was great. Other than that my hostel was the most interesting thing. It was a old jail that they transformed in to a hostel. You could almost feel the rage that once excisted in that place, hehe. I've some pictures but can't upload them right now because of maintance on this website. I'll write from Wanaka soon again. CAO!
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