Wow that was the best one yet, you totally took me back to Kakadu, it really is an awe inspiring place isn't it! Thanks for that I had a real nostalgia trip, keep it coming!
hey hey god uv done well...keep me posted love u lots and lots matey
Hi Erin! Only just read your blog, we've been in Cornwall for a few days. It sounds as though you're doing really well. I wish I was out there! Just watch out for the Gekko's!!!!! xxxxx
She's away! Sounds like you are getting into now, meeting people and getting into the travelling mode, and well done on the gecko sighting! Look forward to the next installment - Lucy
Hey u! Glad ur there safely! cool that uve met some people to hang out with! ur not missing anything here! well except some lovely weather finally!! take care! xxx
I am so impressed that you can be having this fantastic time, across the other side of the world and I get to hear all about it straight away! Take care. xx
Hey lil
oh wow sounds like you're having a great time and you're not even in Australia yet??? Singapore Zoo sounded like fun, you're gonna put some pictures up soon? Looking forward to more updates!! Love u xx
Hay babe, wowo you saw an actual poar bear...impressive..did it look like me? hehe! Im loving reading your blod everyday! keep us informed on ya adventures! mwah! xxx
Hey up chuck. Sounds like singapore is awesome.
Take care and keep us posted of your adventures. xxxx
Hey hun! glad u made it safe and sound! enjoy ur sleep! cant wait for more updates! xxx
Glad u got there safe buddy, sounds amazing. Was really good to talk to u last night from the airport, glad u didnt get too bored there. Love u xxx
Hi Erin,
Hope you have a wonderful time! Make the most of every day because it will just fly by! Rainy old Uk will seem very boring when you get back! I had a blog on this can have a look for some trip ideas if you like.