I cant believe a 13hour bus ride wasn't that bad!!! By the way, when you get to where I am, keeping your own teeth looks a damn sight better than falsies!! Sydney sounds fantastic, will you be there on New Years Eve? I'd love to be there then. Know what you mean about socialising, it is very hard work when you're constantly meeting new people, it gets wearing asking the same old questions, but is very good experience and training! Keep eating the chips!! Lots of love xxx
Hey you! I finally got my internet situation sorted so this has been my first time finding out how you are getting on! We're all missing you loads but it's great that you are having such a good time.
Everything is fine here. Laura and Mike's wedding was lovely and Rebecca is doing well.
Love Ruth
Well, first day at Glos College!! ......Very different!!..... Love the photo's, what fantastic houses and boats!! Glad to know the weather isn't fantastic all the time!xxxx
Mum &dad
you were very brave with the snake erin, the return journey sounds so much better.Keep up the good work with the updates, you write them so well. xxxx
Brisbane looks nice. Have been looking at your photo's, the water at Lake Mackenzie looks sooo blue!! Well done with the snake, the only time I've ever stroked a snake, I did it the wrong way and the skin came off! Not very clever!xx
How on earth does a beach double as a highway?! Thats so weird! I love the bit about the koala's, that explains a lot! I love reading your blogs its a bit like watching a travel programme or something hosted by David Dimbleby!! What an amazing country and so diverse! Savour every moment, you'll soon be back in cold, dark, recession hit England!! xxxxxxx
Hi Erin we meet again have been reading your blog. absolutely super. You make a good biker marvellous experience.I like the bit about hte koalas.what are you going to do next? The barrier reef sounded smashing While you are having a super time we are having a cold snap. You make it marvellous reading look forward to the next blog! Lots of love NAN xx
Very weird to be reading your blog as you are standing in the sun on a beach and I have just finished scraping frozen snow off my car to get to work! - In October! At least reading the blog makes me feel warmer!
Hey Sausage!
I'm loving hearing about all your adventurings, sorry for not adding a post yet. I'm sure you're not missing the rain, and as if 2 days ago, the frost! Working nights has been cold this week!
Well done for not doin the Whitsundays - sounds like you got a good (and cheaper) way to spend a day.
Take Care puddin,
Oh you lucky thing, I wish I had seen a platypus! Now I have to go back to Australia, just to see one!
Hellooo lady, sorry its ben so long since my last message |(long old term- but finally half term has arrived) whoop
Your trip looks immense and your photos are awesome- looking pretty dam cool on your 'red devil' looks like your chilling out more!
So hows the tan coming along?! and have you been using your joural aswell.
Loooks like youve met some pretty cool people which always helps the experience. x we all miss you here. x popped over to yours a few times and the girls have been round here too.
Glor is off this week with school- to her disapointment!
Things are good with me- lots to tell, but pretty sure the whole world can read this board, so will e.mail you soon too.
x x xkeep having loads of fun and i promise to be more effcient when it comes to writing back after i have looked at your blogs. tons of love. keep safe missus
Mum And Dad
This part of your journey seems more relaxing, great to hear about the wildlife. Sorry to hear about your feet and legs being a problem when surfing, your feet and legs have ALWAYS been a problem.