I'm an Aussie and I agree that Aussie Rules is rubbish! It's the most pointless sport I have ever seen with goalposts three miles wide and several office blocks high, but with no crossbar to clear or goal keeper to beat! The ball can just be dribbled through the posts! And even if you miss the main goal, you can still score through the side posts (known as "behind" posts duh!). Sure the players can kick and leap (mark) well, but in the end it's all for nothing! Incredibly boring and pointless! Hope you enjoyed your adventures!
Mike I'm an Aussie and I agree that Aussie Rules is rubbish! It's the most pointless sport I have ever seen with goalposts three miles wide and several office blocks high, but with no crossbar to clear or goal keeper to beat! The ball can just be dribbled through the posts! And even if you miss the main goal, you can still score through the side posts (known as "behind" posts duh!). Sure the players can kick and leap (mark) well, but in the end it's all for nothing! Incredibly boring and pointless! Hope you enjoyed your adventures!