I agree with Ian and your mum i'm SO jealous. The sunset looks amazing. All the photos are great, just wish i was there with you.
x x x Luv ya and miss ya x x x
Ive gotta say, i agree with your Mum, reading and seeing how hot it is, with the horrible rain outside, just makes me all the more jealous too
Im so glad you're still enjoying it so much though missy The sunset from the amsterdam bar looks simply breathtaking. And the marine park looks equally amazing. Im glad to see a few more photos with you actually in them. There should be more though! *hint hint*
Hahaha, and Tina, you hit the nail on the head again, your room is most definitely the tidyest i have ever seen it as well. I bet you wont be able to keep it up
Love you loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sitting here reading this & looking at your photos with the sound of the wind and pouring rain on the window behind me only makes me even more jealous!
sounds (& looks ) like you are still having an amazing adventure. So much water fun for a girl that hates swimming!
Your room is actually the tidiest I have ever seen it!
Everyone says Hi.
Speak yo you soon.
love Mum & Dad
Chloe Marks
I want to hear more! Tear yourself away from the awesomeness for 5 minutes to tell us all what you've been upto this week!! xxx
Clair's Mum
Really enjoying your blog, sounds like your having a wonderful time. Have you been to Koh Samaui yet? Thats where we stayed. I'm looking forward to you next blog and photos. x
Clair Hitching
I got a mention, you have not forgoten about me Em!! haha!! Sounds like you having a great time. So glad teaching is going well, and how luckly are you having Fri off. Loving the photos Miss and Love ya lots. xxxxxxxx
Hi Em, Sa wat dee ka! Glad to know that you don't have to worry about the national athem, whilst you are indisposed!
I was beginning to wonder if you had fibbed to us all by telling us you were working when in fact it was just a good excuse for another trip of a lifetime. Are you thinking of becoming a travel journalist - giving ratings on the beaches and food you experience? Possible career for you when you get back??
Are you keeping well? It sounds like you're still having a great time and I know you will be giving the children the best you can, and I am sure that they will love you.
Glad too that you haven't come across any nasty spiders too - and pray it stays that way.
Look forward to your next entry - you can carry on rubbing our noses in it, as the weathers pretty grim here in the uk today.
Have fun, God bless, take care, lol xx
Chloe Marks
Did you really spell my name wrong emma?!? Deary me!! Lucky I love you!! And I love the look of Thailand, I'm so tempted to come and join you now... but I have to resist... until I have sufficient funds at least!! Miss you! Big kiss!! xxx
Hi Emma...I was in Phangan for two weeks..but spent most of my time ...in the bars! (not like a DAVIS)..catching all the films I'd miss when travelling...you should do a diving course its great....Look forward to your next blog love Caroline xx
Just get a bin bag...
Hi Ems... You are really giving me the bug to do some travelling... I looks like your living in paradise!! The shrine is starting to look good!! Axa aren't too happy with the candles, bet hey! Make sure you send TS that postcard! I look forward to your next installment! Chris (And the TS gang) xxxx
Ian Old
I cant get over how amazing the island looks It sucks that you missed the full moon party. But you'll have it to look forward to next month I still cant believe u've broke your backpack.Not good missy. At least your settled in your beach bungalow now for the next 2 months. Enjoy it sweetie I miss you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Emma.. Your blog is a great read, you sound like you are having a birlliant time.. the partying and drinking buckets sounds fab. Im sure I told you back packs weren't the way to go.. a suitcase on wheels and a hotel would work better!!!
Team Spillaney misses you lots.. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx