I hear you have been very busy with the shop and the show. Thankyou very much for my dvd, enjoying it bringing back memories. Mom and dad took me to see simon on saturday, he is looking like his old self again now and seems very happy bless him.
Love the new photos you both look well and happy
Love you both, lots of love
Les Farren
emma and lee.nice to see your photos and that you are still enjoying yourselfs .we get all the news from your mom and dad when they come to see us,they are looking forward to see you in the new year,the lucky people.still we hope to see you soon.all our love grandad win and alfie xxxxxxxx
Hi Guys!
Just had a good old look at the piccies....i haven't managed to get a look in ages. You look like you are having such a fabulous time and i am very happy about that!
In fact you look like you belong there......
Winter has really set in here. It is cold and dark! So is it winter with you yet?
All ready for christmas? Em, you are normally so crazily organised! You will miss your little wrapping paper box that is athome under your bed!!
I am sooooooooooooo busy with studying at the moment and look forward to enjoying christmas, which i will be spending in the chalet with Doug in France. Which will be brill!
Mommy sue, i will try pop round for that cuppa next week! It has been far too long!
Anyway, looking at the photo's has made me feel a lillte sad now, you and Lee are very very special friends. Hope you know that. Enough of the cheese.......................
Chat soon
Lots and lots of love
Big Sis
Hi ya guys havent put a message on in ages so as its my day off thought i would.
Glad to see you have had a fews days off from working so hard. just been looking at the pics of margaret river area. im sure we have got some exactly the same. especially the lighthouse. I see you have grown your hair back lee was that to keep your head worm in that cold winter. ha ha.
I cant beleieve that this time last year we would have been just arriving in perth. God time really does fly. Im not having fun though. Dans mom and dad fly out 2 days ago too.
Its getting really cold here now ive been wearing the scarf i had from you both for my bday.
Mom and dad have taken nan to stay with rose and ray in blackpool and they have gone up to the lakes for the week.
Meanwhile back at home the shower was broke so dan tried to fix it but got in to some bother with a pipe and we had to phone john to save the day.
Going to see nan in torquay in a few weeks havent seen her since before we went to oz just going for the weekend.
Well i better go got some house work to do. Keep enjoying yourselfs say G'day to everyone for me.
Loads of love michelle xxx
Dingo And Emma
hi guys how are you you havnt wrote to us hope your both ok happy birthday lee when do you come home have to have a good old chat em i bet your hair is desprate em ent it hows it going working again. hope your having loads of fun see you soon xxxx
Happy Birthday Lee hope its a good one.
Love sue roy and simonxx
Mom & Dad R
Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dear Lee Happy Birhday to you Lots of Love from Mom Dad Michelle & Nan xxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi guy's haven't been online for a while so thought i would get on and say hello i'm down south at the mo so get in touch in a couple of days and we'll catch up, kim had a girl 5lb 10 oz called lilly-rose jennifer gilbert, wot a mouthfull any how speak soon
Mom F
Kim had a girl yesterday 29th not had any details yet will let you know later when I get them
love momxx
Meg And Jess
poorly girl
get well soon
love Meg and Jessxxxxxxxx
Mom F
Hope you are feeling better Emma and soon back on your feet. I finally sent a text to Anna I bet she thought I had fell out with her, she is coming round one night for a cuppa. Its freezing here and pitch black when i go to work at 5.40am.Kim hasn't had the baby yet, any day now we hope. Not much is happening here.
love mom xxxxxx
Mom F
Thankyou very much for my presents Meg likes the fluffy one Jess isn't sure about it. Forgot to show Joanna on saturday.