My round the world adventure has very almost ended so this will be the last blog I'll write! On Thursday evening we had a BBQ on the roof-terrace at the hotel in Arequipa which was really nice. We then had to get a night bus to Nazca. The bus was so nice, with really comfy, wide seats so I slept quite well, with the help of Bolivian sleeping pills!
We arrived in Nazca really early on Friday so we watched a film until we met at 11am to go to the little airport. Some of the people in our group got the flight over the Nazca lines, which would have been amazing to see. We had lunch in Nazca town which isn't very nice at all. The only thing it has to offer to tourists is the Nazca lines, other than that it's a really poor area. We then went back to the hotel and lay by the pool all afternoon! Shiry took us to the best place in Peru to get roast chicken and it was pretty good, not as good as at home though!
On Saturday we started to journey to Pisco but stopped off at a few places along the way. Just out of Nazca we stopped at a viewing tower to see two of the Nazca lines. They were so much smaller than I had imagined. We didn't get a chance to learn much about them which was a shame but they look a bit like crop circles and the patterns still remain as the soils are different. We then drove for two hours to Ica where we went sandboarding, it was amazing!! We went for an hour in to the sand dunes in sand buggies and the driver went really fast up and down them, it was like being on a ride! He stopped at the top of a few and we went down on the boards on our stomachs, we went so fast! It was so much fun! There was an oasis in the middle of all of the dunes, which is what the picture above is off. We de-sanded and then went to the Pisco making place and had a tasting session of a few different Piscos. It's grape brandy and you're supposed to have it with egg white, it does actually taste quite nice!
When we arrived in to Pisco it was so noticeable what the earthquake in 2006 had done. It was 8.somthing so it was such a strong one and it wiped out most of the town! The government hasn't given them any support at all so all of the aid has come from other countries. The buildings are slowly being burilt again, but they've rebuilt all of the hotels first which is so bad. It felt strange staying in quite a nice hotel whilst the rest of the town is living in shacks and struggling to live. We went to the beach for a bit which was pebbly and really cold and then went for dinner at a lovely place and had seafood and pisco sours! It was our last evening with Shiry as she wasn't able to join us on Sunday so that was quite sad. We never thought at the beginning that we'd miss her as she wasn't the most welcoming at first, but she's been amazing!
On Sunday we got the public bus to Lima. Shiry told us to keep our bags on us the whole time and don't talk to anyone, so I don't think it was the safest bus! We got to Lima around lunchtime and once we'd checked in to our last nice hotel, we all went for a a wander around the centre of Miraflores which is the nicest area in Lima where we're staying. It was the beginning of their independance celebrations so there was a parade down the main street. Us 6, Joe, Tim, Jo, Teresa, Chris and I then went to get some drinks and sat in the hotel courtyard playing cards etc and then went for dinner at a really nice complex called Larcomar over-looking the Pacific ocean. We came back and had some drinks in the courtyard and Shiry joined us which was nice.
On Monday Teresa left early and then Chris had to leave a bit later. It was really sad saying goodbye to them, but we're having a reunion in Cambridge where they live in September which will be amazing. It's strange already not seeing everyone everyday and it's only been two days! Jo, Tim and I changed to a different hostal in the morning and then met Joe and Chris down at the Larcomar complex and we went for coffee and cake . The complex is built in to the cliff and it's got some really lovely restaurants and shops and a cinema! Chris and Joe went and then Tim, Jo and I went to the cinema and then had some drinks in the hostal that evening.
Tim went really early yesterday and then it was just Jo and I again. It's so strange how quickly the time has gone! We went back to Larcomar which is definitely the nicest area in Miraflores and went to starbucks for a couple of hours and read our books. Money has run out so it's meant we've not been able to explore Lima some more. We went to the cinema again as it was half price and then just went to the hostel bar again.
Today is our last day in Lima! We're not sure what we'll do but we'll probably go for a starbucks again! We're going to go to the airport tomorrow morning and spend the day there until our flight home! I'm so excited about coming home now! Every part of the trip has been great for different reasons but I think I've enjoyed South America the most, it just has so much to offer and being on the tour with everyone and having Leon and Shiry as leaders has just made it!
I'll see you all very soon!! xxx
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