No, we're not lost in the Outback! If memory serves me correct, the last time we updated our blog, we were leaving Sydney heading North on a bus to Brisbane.
Our 8-hour, overnight bus trip started out in the pouring rain (very un-Australian!), and was pretty tiring. Once we finally reached Coffs Harbour (halfway up the East coast to Brisbane) we couldn't wait to crash at the hostel and grab some 40 winks. the hostel sofas were very comfy though.
Coffs Harbour was a nice place. We met a few travellers also from Somerset/Devon, a couple from Wales and 2 Irish sisters. We also took advantage of the free canoe and body board hire and also took out a couple of bikes to the BIG Banana! As you can guess, it was BIG and it was a BANANA - so we weren't disappointed! We enjoyed our few days there, even though there was the occasional brief downpour.
Moving on up the East coast into Queensland and Brisbane, the weather improved to pretty much constant sunshine and warm. We had a short stay in Bris, and picked up our 'Wicked' campervan. We met a nice couple Dave and Sarah from Yorkshire and went out for a few schooners of XXXX.
From then on, until just the other day, we've had our own set of wheels, which has been great to have the freedom to go where we want. We headed back over the border into New South Wales and Byron Bay. Byron was very chilled. We went to the most Easterly point in Oz, and I did a spot of surfing (although the nipples did get a bit sore with no wetsuit/rash vest - so no nipple-tassle-wearing for me!! (This is Tim writing by the way!)).
From Byron, via Minion Falls, we headed inland to a very strange, small town called Nimbin. Basically its a minature version of a cross between Amsterdam and the Glastonbury Festival! Nearly everyones stoned, which makes it VERY quiet. Even the middle-aged women are trying to sell you the stuff!
Heading through the hinterland to Tweed Heads just south of the Gold Coast on the state border, we parked up for the night. After a spot of surfing 9or just trying to stand up in the really strong rips they had there). I finally 'lived the dream' of having 2 boards in the back of the van, even thoughwe only hired them for a couple of hours! the next day we headed into Surfers Paradise, but only stopped for a brief Barbie, as it was very built-up there, and didn't really appeal. Â
On we headed up the Gold Coast to Wet n Wild - a big water theme park with all manner of rides. We had a great time hurling ourselves down various different tubes/rides etc!
Back up to Brisbane we then intened to just spend the night there, but were way-layed by going to Morton Island, a last-minute decision, but an excellent one, as we were able to do a bit of sand-boarding (throwing yourselves head-forst down a very steep sand-dune on a rectangular piece of masonite). emili won the title of Best Sand Tobogganist by sliding further than anyone else - and got the T-shirt and certificate to prove it! I was constantly reminded of this fact, especially as I'd been beaten out of sight!, kookabura-spotting and the highlight - wild dolphin feeding. THis was very well done, and certainly didnt exploit the dolphins, that came there of their own free will. It was amazing to have them take the food right our of our hands - a definite highlight!
On we went up to another massive sand-island - Fraser Island. On the way we stopped off at the Big Pineapple (and Big Macadamia), and then Noosa for some surfing - but when we got there there wasn't any swell so we had to just sunbathe. The short (2 hour!) drive from Noosa to Rainbow Beach was a bit hairy though. It was dark, there were rumoured to be roos about, and the massive road-train trucks certailnly don't hang around, right up your exhaust tailgating you! But we made it to Rainbow Beach ok in the end, although the night-driving here is a lot more tiring.
Fraser Island was beautiful.Emili spotted stingrays and possibly some small sharks from the tiny 6-seater plane we took over the island. Lake Mackensie was beautiful too - amazingly clear fresh water. We also met a nice couple Adam and Bobbi from Eastbourne, who'd just come from NZ and Cairns in the north so they could advise us on things to do.
The next day, another early start leaving at 7.00am to get to Airlie Beach - the best part of 1000kms - we didn't get there til nearly 11.00pm - a LONG drive! The one bit of drama was when our indicators stopped working (a fuse had blown by all accounts) and we had to pull up in a rough part of town outside a rough pub that had Exotic Dancers there (Emili said i did this deliberately!!). One guy from this pub who came out and helped us figure out what had happened kept telling us to make sure to lock the doors if we went anywhere. Anyway the RAC arrived very quickly and sorted it and we were soon on our way.
The next day was yet another early start to go sailing round the Whitsunday Islands on a really superb Tall Ship Defender that had bags of character (for 2days-1 night). Just chilling out on the boat was great after 15 hours in the van the previous day! we went to some amazing beaches, played some beach cricket, did a spot of snorkelling and had some great food on board (including freshly-caugh squid!). The rest of the group were really sound - a couple of Scousers who were a great laugh especially.
From there its been on to Mission Beach, and then onto Cairns - sugarcane and cane-toad country! Its really hot and sunny up here (35 degrees yesterday!), and quite humid. We've been out snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef - which was amazing!! Up to Daintree Rainforest further north, and I (almost) raced a Cane Toad in Port Douglas!! But just got to kiss one instead! ALthough i have tried kanagaroo, croc, emu and camel - all in one day, on one plate!
We're still in Cairns now because there was a bit of a cock-up with our flight to Auckland. It had got cancelled but no one told us this! But at least we've been able to soak up the sun before it gets colder in NZ! We now fly out late tonight.
Oz has been amazing - a big shout out to Nigel and Emma, and Jo and Lily for putting up with us - putting us up whilst we've been here, and for being such good hosts.
The weather especially in Queensland has been perfect, and its just flown by. But we're really looking forward to NZ.
It was really sad to hand back our campervan - we'd become quite attached to it! We'd stayed a various locations on the way - campsites (some 'free' ;-), laybys, and DreamWorld carpark!!
Anyway best be off to catch a few last Oz rays!
Will put some photos on soon
Loads of Love
PS - Shame they won the cricket though!!!
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