I had toadfish in a headlock when i met him, your a woosh beattie!
Theresa,ross And Millie-Ann
Hello my dear pals,
Am thinking this may well be one of my last blog entries as I'm sure you'll be flying your way back to good old homeland shortly. Will be quite sad to lose the blogsite as I feel it has become my own personal Bridget Jones diary site! Anyway sorry not emailed for a while (almost a month - that's terrible). Been fair busy and kept meaning to do it but then before I knew it another day was over. Am at work at the moment so I can email at leisure without fighting with my daughter for the mouse and having her shriek in my ear that she wants Bob the Builder on (her fave on the PC at present). Having a relatively quiet day at work today though probably just jinxed myself there and now will have a thousand phone calls. Lucky my alter ego is wonder woman and I do have the soundtrack now to play so can do a wee spin and off I go. Can you hear it. nana nana nana nana WONDER WOMAN! Yes I know it's sad that I'm still obsessed with her but I have a shallow and quiet life nowadays so have to stimulate myself in my fantasy world!
Ross and I currently finishing off decorating The spare front bedroom which is to become Millie's new bedroom. Millie thinks this is wonderful as she now believes she has 2 bedrooms. I came home from work on Monday to find her assisting Ross in putting on skirting weilding a hammer (a real one - no plastic ones for her thank you very much) and singing at the top of her voice Bob the builder.She was also wearing her earmuffs which Carol-Ann purchased her for Wickerman last year.She seemed very happy in her work and is obviously considering a job in the building trade....
The cocktail party went swimmingly (think that's the appropriate word) despite a small altercation between Christine and Elaine (C accused E of not trying hard enough at karaoke. To be fair E was totally blitzed by this point and may well have been having trouble standing up never mind singing). Have to say never seen Christine angry before - it was very impressive and I for one will not be getting on the wrong side of her. Many cocktails consumed - starting off reasonably well and tasty but as usual falling into chaos and totally bogging one's the more drunk we got and the more we decided to do a bit of radical experimenting! The kitchen floor took 5 washes before you could walk without being superglued to it (have to also say that Ross did all the cleaning up for me the next day,bless him). Also as we were on holiday the following week Ross partook in cocktail evenings for 4 nights that week and totally embraced them. The down side of this was i gained 5lb in one week at weight watchers- the weight watcher lady was so shocked she recalibrated the scales for me in case they were wrong! Managed to lose 5 and half the next week though so balanced out. Have now lost a stone and 11lb so slowly getting there.
The photos from my 'surprise' party are great. Believe I have more to come and Susan if you're reading this can you do me copies of yours please.
Can't wait for you to come home Em as we are planning an honourary Friday afternoon club for you. Have kept all the lush champagne back for it.Pam will soon be able to drink again too - hurray. She's 34 weeks now and a marvellous sight to behold. Not long to go now bless her. Am fair excited for her. Also Maz is pregnant - 13 weeks now, so that's also marvelous- must be the Oz air and way of life that's done it. Righty ho - off to see a couple patients and then home to red wine as it's aThursday . Take care and safe travelling. xxxxx
Mark Gallacher
Toadfish from neighbours. Doesn't get much better (apart from maybe Harold) so fair play!!!
Hi got your most welcome card, by the size of the fish over there the fish suppers wont be in short supply ha ha .glad to hear that you both are still having a whale of a time you are both looking great ,the weather here is very cold snow is forecast for the weekend so you are in the right country at the moment .well Emma doesnt seem a year has passed since you andFuzzy went out exploring the world down under ,but by all your photos and reading your log you both seem to have had a terrific time good on you both ,and i wish you both well on your next stage of your journey , i will be keeping up to date so take care both of you and have a safe journey to your next destination
love wilma x
hey u two, not been on line for few months so not been able to look at what you have been up to.Needless to say you hav beeen very busy. you both look really well and obviousley enjoying every moment.All the are photo's are brilliant! keep having fun!!lots of love kerry and kiddies xx
Theresa, Ross And Millie-Ann
Well what can I say except all my so called friends and my partner are nothing but two faced liars!!!! Naturally in a good way as I have indeed had my 'surprise' party now, which as you know I thought was Dereks party (and he wasn't even there). Wonder if you also knew that there was a party in the offing? Should have read the signs really- particularly Helen insisting I pace my drinking before going to the party. There I was quite oblivious, walked into the footie club, everyone starts cheering and I thought God we've missed dereks speech already. Then noticed the Happy birthday Theresa banner and what did I do? Ran out of the place - well, ran into the hallway. Then went immediately back in and started crying. Had no idea who was there as everybody was dressed up but by the end of the night think I was clear (must again apologise to Lindsay, I know Charlie Chaplin isn't fat but if Mr. Laurel had been with you at the time would have twigged you were Mr. Hardy). So feel a good night was had by all and the efforet everyone put into the fancy dress was phenominal. Big Pam had to tell me who a few people were as still ahd no clue!! Was suitably but not badly drunk. Thanks to dear Susan for indulging in apple sours once again (and also for the bottle which is tempting me right now as in holiday mode and it must be 6pm somewhere in the world??). In fact think Susan has a lot to answer for and hope she has shares in apple sours as I promoted it vehemently all night and feel many people consumed it. Ross outdid himself and came as my second hero (wonder woman naturally the first and only) Scooby Doo. Millie had him wearing the costume round the house for her and kept shouting 'Scooby Doo where are you?' Hilarious.
My Wonder woman costume was great. So much so that am wearing it to work in a couple of weeks for comic relief. And now BEST OF ALL have my very own soundtack CD of the Wonder Woman theme and got a cake with wonder woman on it (felt dead guilty chopping through her boobs and bits- like slaughtering a member of the family). As for my fab sister- how devious is she? Apparently this has been planned since before Christmas. I love her dearly for it. And at least I could stop whingeing that I wanted my own party. It does explain why everyone has been avoiding me and why Christine was quiet at her sleepover here the other week (apparently was under threat of decapitation if she even gave a faint nod to the subject of parties). And it's all still going on. on two weeks holiday now. Have my actual birthday tomorrow (and many many presents to open lucky, lucky me - many of them bottle shaped!) then have Saturday afternoon cocktail club for the girls this saturday. Currently studying cocktail recipes and writing lists for good old tesco shop. May have to track down karaoke somewhere (though Millie may well entertain us on her keyboard), not that we all need much incentive to sing. Ross vacating the premises for the day and night (apparently). So will report back on that one next week. Must go and do some gardening now. Safe travelling xxxxxx
your pictures look great loved the one of the dolphin have just logged on (mon decided that we needed to go wireless needless to say we have not had an internet connection for over 3 weeks!!!)
your both looking really well lovely tan! give me a ring em it's been ages!!!
take care love you hayley xxxooo
Theresa,ross And Millie-Ann
How are you? I have 20 minutes spare before my clinic starts so making the best use of my time. Been in work since half six as have discovered it's the best time to do paperwork. No phone calls, no people popping their head in for a chat, no sorting out other stuff. It's fantastic. Alas, it doesn't mean I finish any earlier so will leave here with any luck at 5ish tonight as have weigh in on Tuesdays.
Currently now lost a stone and a pound. Rather proud of myself actually. Although it can be a challenge at the weekend fitting in food and alcohol on my points system but I've persevered! As you know it's Derek Latimer's party this Sat and my wonder woman outfit is now fitting- I'd like to say fitting perfectly but that might be a bit too optimistic. My patients keep asking if I've made a mistake and am I actually going as Blunder woman!!! Ross is being very secretive about his costume - that's if he's actually alive to go- yes. you've guessed it we've currently fallen out! Bloody men. When will they learn that we women are indeed the superior sex and always right? You would think evolution would have drummed that into them by now!
A week today I shall be 40. What's to worry about? It's only a number. Anyway I was reading in the paper that 60 is the new 40 so by my reckoning I shall be 25. That'll do! Helen took me to Carlisle on Saturday for a pamper day - we got the 9 train through, had breakfast at Watts then shopped, then went for manicures, then shopped a bit more then went for many coctails and a mexican (meal not man) and got 7pm train home. It was a g reat day. Helen bought me a lovely top to wear from Principles. And because we know Lisa the manageress I actually left the shop wearing a completely new outfit in honour of our cocktail session. The cocktail session has stood me in good stead as am having a Saturday afternoon cocktail club for my birthday. For the girls only. Currenlty Helen still tweaking the invitations so am a bit behind with distribution but hey ho we'll get there. Really wish I was having a party proper but as Derek bet me to it there's nowt I can do there. Am also on holiday for 2 weeks after Thursday. Fabulous!!!
Been many bugs floating about. Millie started play school 2 weeks ago (yes, how scary is that she's old enough for play school) Just one afternoon a week. This was the Tuesday. By the Thursday she had a raging projectile vomit bug (generally projecting over mummy. Nice perfume eau de vomit!!!!). Mum and Dad looked after her that day. By the Friday they both had it. Saturday Ross got it. Me? Iwas being cocky saying as I was costantly exposed to bugs at work I was obviously immune, which I was until the Sunday! 20 hours later having vomited many of millions of times Iwas soooooooo wishing I had a hangover instead! Didn't even benefit me at weight watchers as only lost 1 1/2 lb!
Speaking of hangovers - I actually haven't had one this year yet. Or been my usual rip roaring drunk. Not since my work xmas do anyway and after the telling off Ross gave me for that he's made me feel a bit paranoid, he being Mr. Tea total nowadays. Anyway am sure I will make up for it ove the next fortnight.
Right have to go - patients a calling. Safe travelling xxxxxxxxxxxx
Wink @chris
have been reading your latest journal and looking at your photos now i feel really thirsty talk about leading a man to drink eh.we are pleased to see you are putting a lot of miles on the clock and looking well in the pics.Alan and Jac say the moggy is purrfect so dont worry about it.See you soon
hi emma just logged on to see where you and fuzzy been lately by the sounds of it you are both still having a great time on your travels ,Weather here very cold not much snow in annan yet,by the look of your lovely tan your having the opposite from us .I see that Haleys daughter Monica wasnt succsesfull in wining the queen of the border this year but came runner up, i was a little dissapointed as it would have been nice seeing that her mother had been queen of border.well emma will close now as work calls wish you both well on your further adventures take care both of you.
love Wilma
Marco & Lanya
Pleased to hear you have got your van back on the road.Some great pictures once again.It must have been quite an experiance for you both during the storm you encountered but I was pleased to hear Fuzzy got his priorities right and saved his surf board.
Everyone doing fine hear in Annan Phoebe is doing great.
Craig and Joanne have bought a house and it is just over the road from us so we will get to see Phoebe regular.It will just be like it was when the Lamont children used to visit Nana Stitt.
Lanya finnished work at the Seafodds on Monday she took her redundancy money. There was 100 people paid off but most of them were vaulintary.She has bee paid for 12 weeks so she is in no hurry to get a job yet.Wendy,Angela and Diane are finnished work too. A lot of the Seafoods workers that got paid off are going to the Shed on Wednesday to celebrate there redundancy. Keetsy and Elaine have put A Disco on for them so I think there will be 1 or 2 drinks had and a few stories told during the night.
I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of your time in Austalia.
Take care Marco & Lanya
hi Emma hope you are both are well.I am still keeping up to date with your adventures,Got your banger on the road again i hope.I see you havent bumped into Rolf Harris yet down by the billabong maybe he would have given you both a bed for the night,ha ha . Had Pauline on the phone last night they are all well, little Ethan is keeping her fit ,will close now so take care of yourselves .
love wilma