...Back in Brissy, as I don't think even the locals call it. We checked into the YHA a mere 50 yards up the road from where we were just a day ago. Probably the best hostel we have stayed on thus far. Including roof top pool. After 4 hours on a bus unable to talk as I eluded to earlier, we just chilled. The next morning, in between showers, we headed for Lone Pine Koala sanctuary. We got to hold one, Buckley was his name, Edel was first confidently holding him and posed for a lovely photo. My turn and although I didn't feel nervous as I held him something crossed my mind (you will see the fear in my eyes in the photo) When holding a Koala you have to cup your hands under it's, well, bottom. I once heard a story of a guy who whilst holding one, his finger, well how do I put this, slipped somewhere it shouldn't have. With that on my mind my once in a lifetime opportunity to hold the laziest animal in the world (sleeping 19 hours a day) was all but ruined. From there we went up to the kangaroo enclosure where we hand fed them which was a great and unforgettable experience.
Due to the fact the north is now under water, Fraser island and Cairns will have to wait for another time, as we have booked ourselves on the next flight to Melbourne, booking centre court tickets for the Australian tennis open at the same time. It's a hard life!.....
The rain got worse and worse and by the third morning the BBC World News declared that Brisbane was now flooding and people had been asked to evacuate their homes. Lucky for us we were due to fly to Melbourne that evening, if the flights were still going..we made the LAST airport train as the citys public transport was shutting down at 2pm due to floods! Got to airport in one piece, semi-dry, got on an earlier flight and got to Melbourne in one piece! We stayed in Melbourne for a week and hooray!.. No rain! Did a bit of sight-seeing around the city and visited St Kilda Beach for some tanning action..We then decided that a 3day sporting extravaganza was what we needed! Day 1: Melbourne Rebels V Tonga in Rugby, Day 2: England V Australia in cricket one dayer and last but not least; Day 3: Opening day of the Australian open, seats in the Rod Laver arena where we got to see Sharapova, Wozinaki and R Fed play some ball! It was fab and we loved it!
Then came the EPIC 12hr overnight journey by train from Melbourne-Sydney...less said on that journey the better, needless to say, not much sleep was had.
Arrived in Sydney, slightly delerious from lack of zzzzz's and headed straight back to Bounce, where we stayed previously, got our booking wrong so they upgraded our room for free! Yippee!! Adam's mate Rob is now living in Sydney so we spent a couple of fun filled days at the beach with him; visitng Manly Beach and Watson Bay. Weather was GLORIOUS! We were also Eagle Boys pizzas' best customers! Pizza was soooo good! We enjoyed a fun-filled night on the lash with Rob and were sad to say goodbye as it was time to head to Bangkok, Thailand!!
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